8.3治療者排名!最有趣,誰最擅長Ny&alotha和Mythic +

現在該為《魔獸世界爭霸艾澤拉斯補丁8.3:恩佐斯的幻象》選擇治療規範了。但是哪個最好?數量不全是數字;我們將它們分為幾類,以查看新的8.3類更改,並找出在Ny’alotha,Mythic + Dungeons等中最出色的人。您肯定會不同意,但這只是樂趣的一半:)

01:24最有趣的治療師8.3 –牧師
04:02 Ny’alotha突襲黑馬–恢復薩滿
06:30最佳純正治療8.3 –神聖牧師
09:02進步最快/最佳坦克治療師8.3 –薄霧修士
11:27最適合神話+ 8.3 –恢復德魯伊
13:05最佳整體治療師8.3 –聖騎士

+++ Taliesin和Evitel +++


++++ T&E官方Pin徽章!

  1. Great video, would you mind putting up your weakauras on wago for all healing speccs? they look great with the personal resource bar that isnt blizzards 🙂

  2. easy way to buff MW monk is to bring it back to how it was before legion with the mist spreading around and having like 3 of it was it?? and make vivify heal all with the mist

  3. My opinion for the next few months:
    Dungeons: Druid = Monk > Paladin > Disc > Shaman > Holy
    Raids: Shaman = Disc = Paladin > Monk = Holy > Druid
    Battlegrounds: Monk > Disc > Druid > Paladin > Shaman > Holy
    Arena: depends on team composition.

  4. Fun vid, but all the 'what's best class for this role next patch' vids are not worth much since Legion & BfA were anti-Alt. Can't get essences up to L3 fast enough (also no one is going to run EP for essences anymore) to make it worthwhile.

  5. Holy priest. The Vanilla Bean ice cream flavor of healers. The rock upon which all other healers are designed. We don't get buffs, but we don't get nerfed, either. Holy priests have not changed very much outside of major game overhauls since the beginning. Some people say we're boring, but hot diggity damn I love being a holy priest. <3

  6. Saying disc priest is the most fun healer is an unfortunate and subjective take. A healing style that matches the rest of the game is good but it's just such a far step away from what playing supporting roles mean to me.

    Then again I feel the ideal healer is something with buffing/debuffing, utility, and that healing is more about decision-making for healing than just pressing your best button the fastest until the cooldowns are up again.

  7. On my Disc Priest, I have a macro whenever I put down Barrier, she yells "Come and seek refuge within my bosom!" Its a perfect fit in my humble opinion.

  8. Idk, in my M+ runs the healer is rarely the cause or blamed for wipes, usually it's the tank over pulling, poorly positioning things, or some other form of tank stupidity, with DPS coming in second on wipes by standing in stuff, pulling unnecessary adds, not interrupting, etc. The few times it WAS the healer they were usually just undergeared (so group leader's fault for inviting them), with one run where the healer just wasn't healing and blamed everyone else for adds THEY pulled.

  9. Steak is healthy, it's the presence of carbohydrates that makes the fatty acids clump up in the bloodstream. The amount of refined carbohydrates we eat today has only bin introduced in to our diet in the last 200 and evolution don't work that fast. So whether you eat meat or not it's the carbohydrates you mostly want to avoid. And it's with in the same time span we started eating 3-6 times a day, allowing too much insulin in our bloodstream for most of our waken hours, preventing the presence of leptin, the hormone that controls hunger and the energy balance in our body. Further more preventing autophagy, our body's recycling system that in these here times of a cleaner environment by recycling should make good sense to more people, so I personally think intermittent fasting is a good way to great health 🙂

  10. Save yourself some time: It's Still the same meta, also known as the Toxic Healing Meta. DR is still better than raw healing, and disc and paladin are still OP AF.

  11. Have not played holy on my paladin since… bfa started. You forgot to say that they have the lowest aoe heals in game. And those are really important in raids and m+. Unless ofc, the azerite traits give the spec what it really lacks in such strong way tokeep it close to other healers. I also dont like the way it works, have to be close to tank, and have to do dps, etc. Not my style. And some m+ afixes, are a nightmare for holy pallys, coz they lack aoe heals. You like it coz like in disc priests, you do dmg and heal at same time, but most healers i know dont care about doing damage.
    For me, fun in healing is not about damage done, but about keeping everyone alive when everyone is taking lots of damage.
    I played all healing classes in legion, and found the holy paladin the worst of all. Im glad tanks are great in m+.
    But maybe im wrong, maybe one day i try them out again.

  12. Healer imbalace has a easy fix: Give ALL healers passive DPS & ALL Healers DR: The problem that I have with Disc priest and H Pally is that this "rare" MMORPG healer type that can do excellent 'passive dps' whilst providing damage absorption/DR and great heals in comparison to other healers; while the other healers have no REAL advantage over the H pal and Disc priest. So, the other healers have no other spells or tool kits that can fill other niches or meet those needs, they are essentially left out in the dark (or mythic raid). The resto sham is somewhat in the middle, but they have to stop healing to dps. Thereby all other healers are left without 'essential tool kits' for mythic raiding. Thus far, Blizzard has shown no way to fix this issue for the other healers (MW, Resto Druid, H Priest). The healer that they nerfed badly; resto druid via 9% mastery nerf was already a mid-lower tier raid healer and they get nerfed without any help within the context of raiding to help them fill areas that are desired, such as damage absorption or the ever so coveted 'passive dps". I think Blizzard needs to do contextual nerfs…nerf resto druid within the context of 5 man/M+ but do not nerf them for raiding. The global tuning and tweaking of healers is continuing the healer imbalance and not addressing several core concerns: 1. only 2 healers can dps/heal at the same time, 2. significant damage reduction tools such a devo aura, atonement, and totems are only present in 3/6 healer classes. How about giving ALL healers dps/whilst healing? How about giving ALL healers damage reduction?

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