至少播放過BFA的規範!可能在8.3版中令人驚奇! -魔獸世界:艾澤拉斯之戰8.2


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. Am I the only one now who is just happy when he doesn't get a arcane mage for once while in a dungeon for leveling because damn they are just everywhere rn, and I don't like it, now I myself play a balance druid and ik it's also pretty high but I leveled him before I knew balance was highest

  2. I don't think I have ever disagreed this much with someone's WoW vid. I think you were wrong about almost every single class except maybe arms warrior and sub rogue. All the classes you said were gear dependent are not. You conclusions regarding frost dks, feral druids and mm hunters were the most erroneous examples.

  3. Thankfully I don』t really play the most difficult ones anyway I』m to much of a bubble blowing man baby for super optimization and unforgiving rotations.

  4. Everyone is meh about Ferals but to be honnest I never have any problems with it for M10-11 and Normal/HC raiding and I find it very fun to play since I am maining it from Cata or Pandaria I think. I am leveling a Rogue atm wanna give it a try but i hope that I wont need to grind essences and ap again :/

  5. arcane mages are actually pretty damn solid it's just that they usually are under tuned compared to fire and frost and have to manage mana where as the other 2 specs don't which to me is dumb af.

  6. Enhance shaman would be perfectly fine if they just had Lightning Lasso like elemental. They lack so much in CC that playing them feels like a joke.

    "I'm just gonna run at this guy and Stormstrike him over and over and hope he doesn't slow or stun me."

    Sounds great in theory but terrible in practice.

  7. Since i started playing wow again, i saw arms warrior as aoe and fury as single target (which makes me question why whirlwind has no cost or cd on fury, but does on arms)

  8. Unfortunately this is unlikely dal. The best specs are going to get even better this patch. Some of these underdog specs will get better with gear and stuff but will still be just behind the meta specs.

  9. survival a good playstyle? its literally spam mongoose strike. and i lvl'd my hunter to be surv, ended up going mm for raid because surv is just a braindead spec. spam mongoose, use kil command every now and then so you dont focus starve and use nade so it doesnt cap charge? you dont even use your frikkin dot during your cd. biggest let down ive ever leveld a char for

  10. I have watched a lot of Method raid streams and Arms warriors are by far the most surprising of all. The execute damage is just insane. Most of the time arms war is number one on dps meters. Even on single target boss fights. Can't wait to see how they do on longer 8.3 fights when they can really push the execute.

  11. People who play meta think they're good, and they're the top players.
    Are they really tho?
    They only reach those heights because of broken classes/combinations.
    They took the easy way out, literally.
    No, I'm not impressed.

  12. I swore I'd play ranged for patch 8.3.
    But, damnit dal, now I want to be that bastard SUB rogue who NO one else plays in PVE.
    I want to be "THAT GUY"

  13. Demonology died when essences came out. Now there』s too many things to do impacting your buff utilization for tyrant. It』s not coming back.

  14. As someone who mains feral and normally gets Cutting Edge for the current tier and does high m+ dungeons, I don't think it's true at all that feral is sooo gear-dependent, I've played other specs that are much more gear-dependent (survival hunter and shadow priest come to mind). As feral you just need a good (not crazy) amount of crit (I play with roughly 1.8k) and a lesser amount of mastery. At 448 ilvl my gear is already at the point where I benefit more from versatility than from other stats. The two really important things you need in your gear are a high ilvl weapon, and 3x jungle fury as azerite traits. Having 2 or even 3 wildflesh rending is good to have, but you should still be able to get very good numbers in raid and m+ without it (I personally prefer 2xWFR + 1 gushing lacerations for M+). I will admit that it comes with a high skill cap, as it can be punishing if you mess up the rotation.

  15. I love my Marksmen hunter. I rolled a Void Elf specifically to play MM hunter. It just pairs so well with them, with the damage passive they have, plus the passive to prevent delaying cast time, and the added mobility- I juked so many people out by casting Spacial rift in one direction, and back-flipping away in the other, only to recall into my rift and pop aspect of the tiger, back in Korraks when I was playing it for fun. Even when my guild went against what FELT like another fully coordinated group on t he Hordes end, I was still able to bamboozle people with that combo. I love it dearly! That and the starting pet for Void Elves is actually quite nice… Yes yes.. I know, you shouldn't have your pet out on MM.. I can't help it. I love my little Riftstalker. <3

  16. I'm an Affliction Warlock. I've always been an Affliction Warlock. I always will be an Affliction Warlock. To heck with what other people think. XD

  17. Enhancement can funnel aoe cleave to boss damage just like sub rogue could.Having mobs to cleave in melee increases enhancement's boss damage! and their rotation doesn't change. I'm betting on enh for 8.3 as a former ele shaman. I think it's going to scale well with all the haste from corrupted gear and hearing the new raid has lots of melee cleave. Of course ele will be strong too with crit damage corrupted gear.

  18. where's frost mage at it's almost bottom dps in eternal palace and it sucks in 1v1s, go look at your own videos, i mean seriously the only thing it is good at is 3v3 arena but so is fire. Why do i only hear complaining about arcane it's doing better than frost in almost every area of the the game besides arena.

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