
自Playstation 25周年以來,索尼的PS5泄漏量最大!包括向後兼容性,專利,控制器,雙重震動,4k和8k以及遊戲!甚至與微軟的Xbox合作!


今天,PlayStation誕生了25歲!因此,我們認為我們將通過概述Playstation的未來來慶祝。具體來說,我們談論的是Playstation 5。




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  1. fps games are rubbish to play on 70' old stile input method stick joystick.!! they're not made for it and it cant adapt to the new games . Player will always have a disadvantage over the mouse and keyboard !! Therefore games developers shouldn t bother to develop games on consoles that are made to be played optimum with mouse and keyboard !

  2. 9696_9696396_9696_96_97_69_96_79_96_96_97_9₼07_-9₼96_69₼9-₼9-₼(-₼8&₼9-₼69₼8-₼8₼(#(&₼₼8&8-₼8-₼96)-₼95₼96₼969669₼96₼9696₼96_96_69_07_9_0740770704074707007077050507707007_07_7__07&07070707_+0_+0_7070_07&0707&00+_+&07_07_7_+070+0

  3. that Dave reference, just made this the best gaming video of 2019 lol.

    「when you』re trying to make it out the ends, friends of enemies are enemies and enemies of enemies are friends.」 – Dave

  4. Saving people time here: The Xbox One and PS4 had the same CPU and same GPU, with different ram types and setups. Therefore, with similar ram specs the next gen will be essentially the same system. They are both using Zen 2 APUs (CPU/GPU combo). The PS5 will most likely be 8 times as powerful on the CPU side of the original PS4, and around 4 times on the GPU side. Things could be different in the graphics department, but from what Xbox has shown with the reveal of Xbox Series X it won't be surprising if it's at the same spec. I'm excited for both!

  5. So, if I understood correctly, Google is what Sony and Microsoft needes to get to the next level. I must say, competition IS good for the consumer!

  6. HDD is a hard disk drive meaning it has a disk . SSD is a solid state drive meaning the memory is stored in a solid state. I think that』s simpler to understand

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