

  1. I stopped as BFA began and this does not bring anything interesting for me to come back, hell even Shadowlands the only thing it had going was a good trailer, fuck all is known, and when fuck all is known from blizzard that means it's going to be garbage.

  2. Played 8,3 for a few weeks – Grind Grind Grind got sick of mandatory grinding after that and cancelled my account. Best thing I did I ran 2 toons pretty much 3 hours every day grinding without doing anything entertaining.

  3. Maybe I'm just a boring person, but I like the tried and true formula of a finite quest chain with closure and completion upon release at my own pace > followed by dailies that are optional > new dungeons for the patch (not rehashed m+ BS that I hate) > new raid (main focus) > collecting a tier set from main raid. Repeatable content is raiding and pvp for me. I don't care to do endless loop world content. I hate it, it's why I can't stay subbed to WoW. I played LESS WOW, but stayed subbed because I was happy. Now I play MORE WoW when I sub, but get pissed at how it all means nothing and is a hamster wheel. Then I unsub and quit for months.

  4. Blizz scuffed WQs in BFA launch just like they scuffed everything else. If the overall gameplay loop doesn't work that hurts the whole experience, if you trade out the most difficult to build up rep in Legion, the Wardens, with the insanity-inducing Tortollan Seekers WQs you have a recipe for destruction my friend. Then you start bailing on the whole system and make most WQs "kill this rare".
    Personally, WQs + Dailies in Nazj were pretty dang good. You had some genuinely difficult rares that required grouping, the environment was enjoyable to navigate for me personally (except for the daily where you had to go into that underwater cave eff that), I loved the simple puzzles. I also think the objectives that you can only see on your minimap this patch are pretty cool, if daily content in Shadowlands combines all of these "best ofs" instead of trying to reinvent the wheel AGAIN, along with more rewarding progression that isn't Azerite, it'll be fine dude.

  5. Add pvp and valor/justice point vendors, keep mythics weekly rewards as a choice then a chest, bring back MoP/Cata class design, make professions useful at low levels and giving the option to BiS for crafted gear. Thanks.

  6. I tend to like the way you deliver news. But I really hate your "I'm a game dev" insight as I think it misses the mark in my opinion heavily because while you dont seem to think so good games are fairly subjective.

  7. Tried getting into this patch because I was excited about the Vulpera and was always interested in the old gods stuff. I hopped on the ptr but didn't want to play around too much to spoil this release. A few hours and I'm just endlessly flying around Uldum and Vale hunting rares and opening chests hoping, at the very least, for some catch up gear tokens for my alts. Get maybe 2 or 3 from 20 rares, with the majority of the loot being this coalescing vision currency. Which is only useful to spend on horrific visions. Which are only useful if you want to upgrade your cloak it seems, and aren't exactly the most riveting to me to begin with. All in all, I enjoyed hopping into BFA and unlocking allied races, getting some transmogs from the raids I didn't do in Legion, and exploring the new continents. But it's never been more apparent than in this patch, even without world quests, that whatever soul this game once had has been fully ripped out of it. It just instantly floods me with so many memories of why I quit back in Legion, along with the soul-sucking world quest grind and reliance on mission tables for various progression. It's just a hollow shell. You can't enjoy pvp, because the combat is absolutely dull. Higher ilvl wins. You set goals to gear up your character and a patch or expansion drops and all of the progress is wiped clean, and with bfa you're just doing the same dungeons you've done 50 times before for a few more stats. (Another disappointment of this patch being that they hold back the ilvl increases from dungeons by a week, I guess just to add some pointless week to the subscription time?) All in all, I just think about how much money they make, and how many developers they have, and the content just isn't there. So many great npc armor I see in game, that we have never and will never have access too (like the troll armor, or the nightborne armor), meanwhile we get some drab looking plastic weapons with eyeballs and armor that looks like questing greens with tentacles. A few raid assets dropped into an old map with a different skybox and upscaled mobs, instead of a separate questing zone. 2 hours of back and forth talk to this person, now go here, now go back there, now go here – which skippable or not, while pretty standard for wow's design is still terrible design. I could honestly rant for hours upon hours about it, but long story short, the soul of this game is just gone. It's just, as you say, a mechanized amalgamation of systems that coalesce into uninspired design in which nearly every aspect becomes a chore. We have leveling, artifact power, essences, now a cloak to build up, just to combat some unnecessary corruption effects on gear. It's just one nuisance piled ontop of another, when the gear and ilvl grind, reputations, and leveling, are more than enough on their own. And honestly, from what I saw from these reputation vendors in this patch, there's not even anything that interesting. I don't want to be THAT guy, but it definitely feels like a different game since Ion took the reigns. The highlight of this entire patch is basically one raid. If you don't raid or push mythic dungeons, you're not going to be able to pvp because your gear isn't going to be good enough to be useful and you probably won't push any further into these horrific visions. I'm glad some people still have fun with the game, or tell themselves they do because they're addicted to the infinite gear progression ladder and like having mindless chores to do for hours on end (which this game has always had due to being in the genre) but it has never been this incredibly annoying and bleak.

  8. Hey everyone! Need your opinion.

    I got my main to ilvl 390. I played a LITTLE of Najatar but like most, got bored and stopped. I've liked PvP as well but it didnt seem worth it.

    As someone as casual as I am, do you think this is a good time to jump in? Or should I just wait until Shadowlands gets close and jump in like most lol.

  9. This patch is garbage. Reused areas, reused models, no new dungeon, laughable class/spec changes, still have dead talents/azerite traits, laughably op broken or useless corruption affects. I hope they cut their losses sooner than later and get the new expansion out asap with hopefully testing starting in the next month. People I have been raiding with since BC no longer want to get on anymore and have lost almost all interest in the game. More than half our raid team has yet to make an appearance since the patch was announced/released meaning we won't even have enough for normal/heroic unless we recruit again. And TBH I'm willing to take a break because this patch offers literally nothing new or groundbreaking.

  10. Thank you for this. I will definitely not be subbing. The hamster wheel really killed BFA. Everything required, but nothing interesting.

  11. They had grander plans for warfronts as well. They had grander plans for Island Expeditions. What is in this patch for a PvPer (and i am one mainly, although i don't play the game overall way less because its nothing but a chore, not a fun game to play) for example. Nothing. No class reworks (and they need someone like Holinka to do something about it for Shadowlands, that doesn't speak for the quality and competence of their remaining class designers, good lord), because they aren't as easily done as they were in the past because of systems like Artifact Weapons, Azerite and now this Corruption garbage. Which is just another reason why these systems suck. The only good thing it looks like are the solo visions, but they aren't really enticing if my main classes suck gameplay wise. On top of that, the developers seem to have learned not much when i look at Shadowlands. Most of the really big, main issue who exist since WoD and Legion are still there and kicking. So no thank you. I unsubscribed yesterday.

  12. Anyone have an issue with the super long quest right off the bat? I just got fed up and stopped thinking about not renewing my sub. its crap dont believe all the smoke and mirrors. They actually think they can mind control us lol

  13. So… Is 'alt friendly' such a good thing? There are catch up mechanics in place that make it easier but if someone plays a Rogue for example, they put hours into that class. Should some other guy who has a Warrior just be able to hit 120 and have a Rogue at a similar gear level to you almost instantly?

    I don't think thats fair on someone who stuck with that class even through the bad times when they weren't 'FOTM'

  14. God is all you people do is complain? If you dont like the game dont play. Coming here to cry is doing nothing but wasting your own time. I for one am very excited for this patch and cannot wait to play it tonight.

  15. Well, this patch is a obvious case of getting the next proper expansion done. A patch this size for a lore figure that has been build-up since Cataclysm (or even longer, I dunno) is taking a piss with it. Hearing there won't be a patch 8.3.5 really makes me wonder if it worth to abandon BfA at this stage with so much time before Shadowlands comes out.

  16. Thank you. Exactly what I needed to see to continue to not pre order. I have so many fond memories of this game, such a shame the state its continually in as of late.

  17. I dont see how dailies, world quests, visions or whatever system you can name is diferent. Its all about "go kill x amount of mobs", collect y amount of a certain item", "click all those things you see in there". Its all the same thing. The only diference is that while as wq you can just go to the specific area and do what needs to be done with the others you have to bother to pick the objective with a npc, do it and go back to turn it in to make things takes even longer than it needs to take. Its plain dumb to go back to this model.

  18. I like the idea of corrupted gear, just think it needs to be implemented entirely different. Gear could drop corrupted I suppose, but it should also be earned*. Like, killing a visions boss corrupts a single piece of worn gear that is not currently corrupted; this would also happen in raid but only for 10 out of 25 raiders. The corruption could be cleansed and that specific corrupted modifier NEVER repeat or be placed upon that specific piece of gear (removes some RNG each week, as well as controls a corruption lottery).
    Best example in my head atm; kill the boss that reward/drop Tier Loot Gloves and 10 out of the 25 raiders get a Corruption buff to their Glove slot items (whatever they are currently wearing). It can be cleansed and if they do so, but get corruption buff the next week during the raid, it will not repeat that same buff. (So it would cycle through memory of which buffs the gear has been cleansed of and recall not to place it on said gear.)
    There will also be a META but this gives something to continue interest and time gates in a fun and rewarding way.

  19. I just want the game to go back to the days where if you wanted to raid, you did dungeons, than heroic dungeons. After that you got some pieces and enchants from reputations. After that was done, all you had to do was get a group together and go raid. From there, pretty much all you had to do to get good gear was just raid and kill bosses. Then you could move onto heroic at some point (I』m cool with mythic being another tier to raiding). I feel like now though, there』s just so much senseless grind you have to do, just to do the content you want to do. I feel like everything up to Firelands in Cata had it mostly right.

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