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版權免責聲明根據《 1976年版權法》第107條,出於批評,評論,新聞報道,教學,獎學金和研究等目的,為「合理使用」提供了津貼。合理使用是版權法規允許的使用,否則可能會構成侵權。非營利性,教育性或個人使用提示平衡,有利於合理使用。 。

  1. When are producers going to understand that they don't earn money trying to win over a demographic that does not represent the the major audience of movie goers? A narrative does not have to make a great movie. But if the narrative is bad it does not matter how good the rest of the movie is. Dark fate is a good example of that.

  2. Woke and incel are current words that derail society's positive cultural evolution.
    JOKER is a masterpiece and Joachin Phoenix is a cultural treasure.

  3. the fact is if you make a great movie you have a good chance of getting the nod. if your movie is shit you dont get the nod. money made has zero to do with it its about the quality of the film. you dont get it just because you feel like you deserve it.

  4. "Latinx." Such a bullshit term invented by a group of North American postmodern lit professors. South Americans, Hispanics from from the Caribbean, and Spaniards all respect and speak according to their own traditional linguistic gender distinctions, which necessitate the linguistic distinction between "Latina" and "Latino." This is just another example of how more North American-based New Left-Regressives have attempted to force their own postmodern linguistic impositions upon the Global South's own local, native linguistic traditions. In Mr. H's video, we have yet another transparent case of the North American (and to a certain extent, the European New Left) lecturing the Global South that 'their' local Hispanic linguistic traditions are 'wrong' and 'insensitive.' Utter bullshit. Just more colonization at work, but this time from a new class of 'elite' academic-types, rather than from the conquistadors and priests of old, and under a new, much more shrewd rubric.

  5. Joker is an Antihero now? To me at least that would mean that he's a good guy, but really not a nice guy. That doesn't sound like the Joker to me.
    Maybe these people should look into the fact that villain protagonists are a thing.

    Or that one can tell a story and not actually agree with everything the protagonist does.

  6. Utterly ridiculous comments/reviews by film critics! I really didn』t think I』d like this movie but absolutely loved it! Joaquin and Todd Phillips deserve every award going. Joaquin』s performance was compelling, captivating and mesmerising. It had a great message to convey too in social attitudes to mental health . But basically, it was just a damn fantastic movie. Critics can hate all they want.. the audiences gave their verdict and it was a resounding thumbs up ?!

  7. What are those presstitudes prattling about? Sounds like they are describing the loseres they usually back I am talking about antifa!

  8. Showed my mom the film, and she hated it. Said it was boring and if she paid $15 dollars in the theater to see it, she would have been pissed.
    I liked it.

  9. This is what 50 plus years of affirmative action gets you. These people aren't creative enough to make a movie that they would deem good. So they try to rain on everyone else's parade, unfortunately for them we brought ponchos and we are going to see it anyway.

  10. Before I went to the cinema to watch Joker the MSM were going on about the Gary Glitter song royalties for a Paedo.
    Perhaps the MSM may want to comment on why Universal Music Group hold the rights to Rock and Roll 2?

  11. If gender and racial "equality" makes a good film, then what happened with Terminator Dark Fate? That's should have been nominated for all the awards

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