奧斯卡金像獎得主華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)討厭奶牛接受錄取講話奧斯卡2020年|小丑電影

奧斯卡金像獎得主華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)發表演講並談論剝牛問題奧斯卡2020年|小丑電影|最佳男主角得獎。合理使用。 #oscars #joaquinphoenix #joaquinphoenixhatescows。

  1. Hey dumbass guess what else we do. We get drunk and and have unsafe sex and spread std's and slot of times we strip the baby from it's mother and kill it …up to the day of birth at whick point a hole is drilled in the babies skull and it's brains are vacumed out and the organs are sold to the highest bidder so that abortions clinic s can multiply. But you go ahead and cry about cattle that God put here to feed humans . Just cause you get to play Batman and Robin as an adult doesnt make you brilliant ….obviously.

  2. Each actor plays a role as he is, adding his own character to it, often opens his own "world inside his head" to the public. Phoenix made Joker more insane than any because inside his head – he is mad & he played mostly himself as he is. )))

  3. Great speech, just fantastic … channelling his love, but getting hate on this thread … and he just do not give a single F. You rock dude! Speakin' against injustice. When ya speak up for cows, ya gotta have balls the size of a healthy bull!

  4. I always thought Joaquin looked crazy. I was wrong: he IS crazy. I look at that crowd of do-nothings, whose only "talent" is to repeat (until they get it right, that is!) what someone else wrote, or tell others how to act, and it amazes me that they really believe their opinion matters to the real world. Calling from planet Earth, you navel-gazing idiots!

  5. What a stupid dick head, just accept the award say thank you and shut up. I am sick of actors who use these awards for the political agenda, just shut the fuck up.

  6. I have never heard of this twat, but my God, don't they check for brain activity before they stick these morons in front of a microphone? Where was his care giver?

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