如何設置Google Analytics(分析)並在網站上安裝

按照此逐步指南操作,只需不到10分鐘的時間即可設置Google Analytics(分析)帳戶並在您的網站上安裝Google Analytics(分析)。

2:08-註冊Google Analytics(分析)
5:30-通過MonsterInsights插件為WordPress設置Google Analytics(分析)
9:03-為MonsterInsights插件設置Google Analytics(分析)
11:35-在哪裡可以找到您的Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤ID /腳本
13:52-測試Google Analytics(分析)是否已正確設置並收集數據

Google Analytics(分析)是一款免費,功能強大的網站分析工具,我強烈建議您將其安裝在您的網站上。設置帳戶是免費和容易的,您可以獲得有關網站訪問者的寶貴信息。

我將向您展示兩種將Google Analytics(分析)跟蹤腳本安裝到您​​的網站上的方法:

1.對於WordPress網站,我將向您展示如何安裝和配置Google Analytics for MonsterInsights插件。

-如何註冊Google Analytics(分析)
-如何安裝與Google Analytics(分析)一起使用的流行WordPress插件


  1. Excellent and clear. Great Tutorial. I am just finishing a custom framework for a university project using PHP/JS. Now in my project there is only one html shell, (Its a SPA basically), Once the html is sent to the browser, new pages never load, only parts of the body refresh, and only the html which is different is added.
    I will be updating the website URLs to maintain state. Any advice on how this could work in this environment? Many thanks in advance

  2. Thank you for starting from the beginning but why I am still seeing that there is no data. There has to be some sort of data on my website. I am trying with old email and then I created a new account still no data on the phone app. Some one help me please.

  3. Do I need to have my own website in order to do this, or is there a way to look at analytics for any website? I'm currently a student and am just trying to learn about Google Analytics to earn the certificate.

  4. Anyone help please guys? I need to adjust my code so that the event hits always come after the pageview hit..
    Otherwise, my Analytics will be showing the wrong data.. below are the Values

    Question is – where I have to put these values? I know it should be somewhere in the Tracking code, but not sure exactly where.. thanks so much

    Here is the code that I'm not sure where I have to put it.. but exactly where.. I know it should be somewhere in the tracking code or so

    ga('send', 'pageview');

    ga('send', 'event', 'eventCategory', 'eventAction');

  5. Just to make sure: So I have wordpress and I completed the process up to 10:43 That means I don't have to do anything else right? Adsense is now in cahoots with my site? Or do I have to continue with the adding tracking script to my theme?..

  6. We built our website with Weebly, we have tried to install Google analytics and have found it to be incredibly confusing and difficult even after watching a number of how to video's, none of which are truly "step by step" there are not always answers or solutions for things that pop up, making it impossible and extremely frustrating…
    We would be FOREVER GRATEFUL for any help..
    Thank You Thank You Thank You


  7. Thank you, If I』m tracking 3 different websites in analytics, is there a way to track all at the same time on the same 「overview」 page without switching back and forth between accounts? Thanks again

  8. Hello! I have a company website with .org extension, when I tried creating an account and added URL 'Default URL is Invalid' error popped up. Can I know if I could use .org or .ca as extension and create an account with Google Analytics or is it impossible? If so, can anyone suggest me any SEO tools for the same?

  9. Hi! I followed your steps but when I press the uodate button it says:

    It has not been possible to contact the site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change has been reversed. You will have to upload the change to your PHP file by other means, such as using SFTP. "
    I don´t know what to do. Thank you for your help

  10. @WP Smackdown
    : I am sure lot of people might have struck with a demo website… Could you please create one demo website as I do not have basic idea of how to create

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