
你準備好了嗎?補丁8.3準備指南已經準備就緒,因此您可以在n’zoth上線後充分利用它。 8.3之前的操作和8.3補丁中的操作是常見問題,經過大量的ptr測試和收集信息後,我們將輕鬆回答這些問題!補丁8.3的發布日期是從現在開始的一周內,因此我們相信這份關於大事件的準備的補丁8.3指南對於您一個不變的玩家或計劃返回的所有人都是必需的。沒錯,哇補丁8.3將會非常龐大​​,因此您最好繼續使用MarcelianOnline,以獲取8.3齒輪和8.3級別之上的所有bfa wow類指南:)




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#做好準備 。

  1. hat do players do who are Healers Only I play WOW since release and I never played sumthin else than Heal Druid? And I like it ? what are my options??? Why force people to play DD???

  2. On the ptr currently, the actual amount of ap you need is very low. I don't know if this is cause they wanted to test it without the need to grind or if they realised that noone wants to grind ap on top of grinding more essences, more currencies etc, so said fuck it. It's the release build so heres hoping its gonna be low when it hits live.

  3. I was hoping that once an essence reached rank 4 it would be unlocked on all alts. Would』ve made grinding to finish rank 4 ones worth it. Heck then you just need to grind gear to the item level and be done with it.

  4. Hey Marcelion, I'm the guy that gave you a bunch of shit over your original disc priest video. Your updated disc guide and your other guides are by far the best on the internet. Keep up the great work, thanks for the video.

  5. I was looking forward to potentially gearing my characters which I planned to main in Shadowlands, but this just seems like more grind and more hoops to jump through only to have all that hard-earned gear replaced by greens in 9.0. Not to mention how awful it sounds for alts.

    Think I』ll unsubscribe today and see how Shadowlands plays out before I invest a single second into endgame. I miss the days when endgame was simply about gearing your character and am tired of all the other bobbles and whistles they』ve tacked on since Legion (artifact power, titan forging, now essences, etc).

    – 11 year veteran who hasn』t touched BfA endgame since October 2018.

  6. Thanks for the guide :). The opening questlines get some shortcuts for alts I hope. I have all essences ready on 2 Tanks and everything in bags for null barrier r3 on 2 more. With many alts its too much of a grind to farm all paragon to 19.999 though…I have some chests left at least 😀

  7. Much love keep up the great work! So did I see that right ? Regular world quests will drop ilvl 435 … what will mythic5's during patch week drop I wonder

  8. It doesn't matter if it's easier, it's still a 3 week long grind to get them. Which is going to put you behind the curve on staying ahead of what you need to do for 8.3. This was such a bad choice on Blizzards part and a clear sign of how spiteful they are towards the player base. This is the one thing we've been asking for since like ever.

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