iPhone 9(2020)已取消-Apple三月活動已取消-獨家泄漏轉儲

EP 957年-iPhone 9(2020年)取消-蘋果3月事件被取消-獨家泄漏轉儲
iPhone 9 / iPhone SE 2本應在三月份的活動中宣布,但似乎大多數情況不會發生。下一步是什麼?包括iPhone 12 / WWDC 2020新聞。


編輯者:Brian Shoop https://gofpt.link/followbrian

業務查詢?給我們發電子郵件[email protected]


  1. This couldn't have happened to a betterrrrrr company…lol. APPLE THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE. YOU"RE GONNA LOSE BILLIONS AND YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!

  2. 14:48 cue slow clap. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for treating tech news reporting with the levity it deserves, and reminding us all that people are more important than shiny new things. Subscribed. Carry on, you absolute legend.

  3. My iPhone SE has problematic screen and 72% battery health and in tight budget situation, should I wait for the delayed iPhone 9 or get the 8 now or repair the SE and wait for iPhone 12?

  4. I have never seen a news channel that is trying to hide half there face. It looks like coal is smeared on your cheek bones. You tubers are trying WAYYY to hard to be Cinematic. And end up looking like idiots

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