
8.3值得一玩嗎? 《艾澤拉斯戰役》的最後補丁以某些人稱其為擴展的混合包為上限,但其中介紹了一些狂野的機制和有趣的想法。我分享我對自己經歷的想法,並由您自己決定!

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#warcraft #battleforazeroth

  1. The invasions are like Tanaan Jungle apexis areas but way more annoying and the Horrific visions feel like a mix between islands and some garbage version of Legion artifact challenge content. It's bad. Corrupted gear is an even worse RNG mess than titanforging. Way way way worse.

  2. Great video. I』m stoked for the next patch on Tuesday! If anybody is interested or has time me and my buddy are launching arena videos again. Starting from scratch come check them out on my channel

  3. Visions and corrupted gear are both systems meant to be iterated on for shadowlands to better define the gearing system and most definitely torghast. So make sure you do those visions so blizz can get a lot of good info to make the tower better!

  4. 8.3 is the worst patch ever. Grinding a cloak+gear for 6-8 months and when Shadowlands comes here knocking they all be 100 % USELESS!!!!!!!!!! So, why play a game that is totally useless, when you can play a game like ff14, that actually gives you some fun playtime. N´zoth is a main villain of Azeroth. Blizzard disposes of him in a patch.. Blizzard = Failure!

  5. My reason for returning are the Vulpera. I've been looking forward to them since I first saw the datamine back in Legion.

    And I'm even more hyped now that I know their class options.

  6. Game was fun at first, not so much anymore after doing the same repetitive grinding for entire year. Also not so fun when your guild is destroyed and you spend hours trying to find mythic raiders….. ugh

  7. I didn't mind islands. However. The massive grind combined with the lack of unique interactions and lack of depth really made it struggle. There was a lot of potential there that was tossed to the side. Tragic.

  8. Just a heads up every wow content creator will say the patch is worth coming back to because it's their source of content. Most actually enjoy the game but it will be difficult to find an objective opinion on Yt.

  9. Love your stuff… Must admit I wont be coming back for 8.3, I am pleased to say that the wow bug has finally vanished from me. I have been playing this game since it came out, so it was about time that I can now step away. I have to thank classic wow for me quitting the game, and maybe game design school. Yep the questing in classic wow destroyed my lust to play the game anymore,

  10. yeaaah. not feeling this corruption nonsense on gear. I already hate don't stand in the fire raid mechanics. They should STAY raid mechanics. Stop letting that shit infect non-raid gameplay. I'll be cleansing every single piece of gear I get.

  11. The solo progression is why i'm coming back and if its good I think it will setup the next xpax thorgust dungeon… vulpera would be helping as well 😀
    I have been playing classic anyways, so already got a subscription anyways.

  12. I loved the comment on this vid about the "personal adventure of growth". I raided for many years but got tired of the "having a 2nd job" aspect. I mostly solo now on 6 120s and keep those toons updated and make gold at the same time so I can play for free. Thank you very much for this vid., it helps justify my current playing style. Solo content.

  13. How can I return to BFA?

    I am actually playing it right now – so I guess 'return' is just not the right word.

    I am not a raider or a mythic 'rush' guy – as I play a slow methodic builder with a lot of Alts and I am thoroughly enjoying WoW as I Have since '07.

  14. Not for me nope, that being said for a Bob free video this was a fun watch, and as always Soul appreciate the fact you take the time to detail why you like or dislike something. So few do these days. Anyway hopefully Bob is on his way back to being King of his people :). Our best from Nancy and I

  15. Personally I like the idea of the evolution of the old zones but I might be in a small number of people who like the it… Sure it maybe a bit lazy but the writing of story should be the bread and butter… Hopefully they won't miss the opportunity to take the story badass

  16. Is this enough to keep people occupied for ten months?


    If they thought the wait between 8.2 and 8.3 was big, wait until Shadowbringers doesn't happen until December.

  17. I can think of a better alternative to Corruption: nothing.

    Remember when we didn't need RNGforging, random sockets, 9 different procs, and a grindwall attached to our gear? When you just… like… did a dungeon, and got your BiS? That was kinda fun. Why do we need a neck with 5 procs, a pair of bracers with a proc, 2 rings with +4% crit dmg, 2 trinket procs, 3 azerite pieces with 4 procs each, and a weapon proc? ON TOP OF the spec-based procs built into rotations. It's way too much going on in combat, and it leads to really frustrating, convoluted gameplay… on top of the associated frustration with RNG.

    The whole system needs to be dialed back about 7 steps. Keep It Simple, Stupid.

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