Google Earth VR —將整個世界帶入虛擬現實

推出Google Earth VR,這是我們幫助世界看到世界的下一步。使用Earth VR,您可以飛越城市,站在山的邊緣,甚至飛入太空。現在可以在Steam上使用HTC Vive的Google Earth VR。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

  1. Is it only the Google Earth with the 3D mode + Street View you just look through that device and nothing else? I thought you really can walk along a street like in GTA etc – Boring then.

  2. How can people contribute to the development of this? Are there any ways to expand the capabilities? A Pro version?

    Thank you for the great work this is an incredible possibility that has only just now been realized. Nice job!

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