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  1. Same old people creating the same old dumb myths every time new technology comes:

    – Mobile phone radiation is bad for us

    – Computers will damage our eyes

    – Wifi is bad for us

    – 2G + 3G is bad for us

    – Smart gas meters are bad for us

    – 4G is not safe at all

    – Airpod/Bluetooth headphones are bad for us

    – 5G is going to be very dangerous

  2. If you don't test then you can't show evidence and with no evidence then you don't have to lie. (Wink wink) 5G research has been done showing harmful effects to humans so why not study that? Besides, no one needs it. 4g is plenty fast.

  3. Complete BS! the Dept of Navy has established tables for ionizing and non ionizing radiation and yes cell phones absoutely can and does cause glioma's.

  4. Thank you Linux. To be expected from Linus. Excellent explanation. So many videos on this subject but none of them successfully explain it.

  5. You idiots are gonna be real fucking sorry when 60ghz is choking the fuck out of you. Dry cough, flu symptoms. Just ask Wuhan. Sure, they will start it out under 60ghz.. But when they want to.. Flip…

  6. The WHO has lost all is credibility. They are political organization interest more in money than in health. An independent research not financed by those who will profit from 5G should be done. I see government spend money of frivolous things like making Anime illegal. But I do not see them doing actual research to see if there is any health repercusions on the higher frequencies. 5G suposedly affects oxygen atoms. Which in turn makes the frequency better for transmission. However. There has being no test to know what are the repercusion of energizing the oxygen,. Maybe nothing. Maybe your imune system gets affected. We do not know because the test has not being done and those with the expertise and money to do it will benefit economically from 5G. So is not likely to happen from the private sector.
    Maybe you can come up with a set of test instead of automatically believe that is safe.

  7. A million GHz to mess with human molecular structure? So how come microwaves ovens operate at the frequency 2,450 MHz?

    And clearly that amount will "mess with your molecular structure" if you put your hand in one lol

  8. It is under the "safe" limit doesnt mean ita good for you. Its like food. Just because its legal and under government standards doesnt mean its safe. True even coffee is listed as a carcinogen but you drink the coffee and when its done that exposure is done. With 5g its always there. Im not saying 5g is bad. Trust me i like tech i want it but if it's not been tested a crap ton i dont want it. And if it is a safety issue fine but if its being covered up because some corporate asshole wants more jingle in his pocket then we have a problem. Dont act like its never happened before. Volkswagen diesels polluting too much and they programed the ecu to pass emissions only when being tested. Once insulation was deemed "safe" by the manufacturers themselves. Look where that got them. Companies lieing isnt new. Only time will tell. Boy i hope 5g is fine because i want my 5g and no cancer?

  9. As an RF engineer. I can tell you that Linus is correct here. 5G is not harmful. The sun is more harmful.
    People have spent years surrounded by RF radiation. The only case where RF radiation becomes dangerous is either when the levels become high enough that it actually begins to burn you or it is ionizing radiation. As he said, 5G is not ionizing and the wattage from a 5G system is low enough and far enough away from the user for this to be a problem. When you stand near a 100 watt lightbulb, you aren't thinking it's going to give you cancer. It's just that RF is mysterious to most people, so it sounds dangerous even though it's not.

  10. Limited evidence until 5G is up and running and proliferated throughout densely populated American communities. Linus here, who obviously loves all things electronic, will make the perfect guinea pig. He's like a mouse and 5G is a huge brick of cheese, no way will he ignore it.

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