Google Wifi:家庭Wi-Fi,只需解決

Google Wifi是一種新的家庭Wi-Fi方法。 Wifi點協同工作,以向每個房間提供快速信號,該應用程序使您可以控制Wi-Fi,而Network Assist可以管理您的網路,因此您無需這樣做。

前往進一步了解Google Wifi。

  1. The app is not available in Mexico, I bought it in the USA and I can not use it in Mexico, do you know when the app will be ready?

  2. Trsducirlo al Español, porfavor!! Mi hijo con lo del wuifi para pasarlo a su cuarto me a echo unos boquetes en la pared!!! Por eso pido traducirlo al Español que hay cosas muy interesantes para aprender pero si no entendemos el idioma, para nosotros es un fiasco. Gracias

  3. What about at home I get perfect wi-fi but as soon as I walk outside there is none. I had it for a dozen years! Why all of a sudden, in the last 3 months did it just disseassapear???

  4. I'm under psychic attack they are at me for spritaul intense my name is Stephen Peter delahunt I live at 1793 church view nurney Kildare Ireland my Facebook page is hacked they are Vidaliseing other people's energy on me they are youing ufo aquitment to try and turn me into Pedofile because I won't switch my intense with them they were getting me to speak spirituality for the queen of the UK and presidents of the USA and wifes my phone is hacked my email address

  5. Guys this is waste of time buy a Telfort Modem make sure it's the Experia Box V8 and the wifi doesn't cut out it works I'm in my room now and the modem is downstairs behind the curtains AND I STILL HAVE WIFI ?

  6. Mi fa piacere capire caro Google che non perdi tempo e spendi bene i tuoi soldi, quindi ti invito a fare quello che io forse non potrò mai fare cioè occuparti del diritto calpestato e violato anche per ignoranza volutamente diffusa mediante il silenzio. Esistono parole bibliche per promuovere il diritto (e il dovere). equità, giustizia, rettitudine. Grazie che ci ascolti! Vittorio

  7. Caro Google tu parli a tutti quasi esclusivamente in inglese, ma non tutti sono poliglotti quindi non tutti ti possono capire vanificando i tuoi obiettivi. Quindi cosa fai?

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