馮提莫 60分鐘精選好歌19首, 首首好歌媲美迷你演唱會,推介第一次聽提莫的朋友,歌曲類別全面,ㄧ次睇齊提莫歌藝。 (全部字幕)

00.00 周杰倫 – 告白氣球
03.30蔡依林 – 馬德里不思議
07.15楊千嬅 – 處處吻
10.10張靚穎 – 我走以後
15.30烏蘭托婭 – 套馬杆
17.50王傑 – 我是真的愛上你
26.00E.T. 凱蒂·佩芮
29.30韓寶儀 – 粉紅色的回憶
32.00胡歌 – 六月的雨
39.45劉濤 – 紅顏老
43.10田馥甄 – 你就不要想起我
47.22任素汐 – 我要你
56.30Soldier (士兵)
59.55陶喆 – 就是愛你
1.00.05張柏芝 – 星語心愿

  1. Troppa, Straordinaria ragazza, anche se il tempo , delle?? passerà,ma il tuo talento,non passerà mai. Hai una gran bella cosa, che si chiama filosofia,??️ però la tua sensibilità, si chiama Simpatia ????? ? superiore grandissima.????✌️?☀️

  2. 세상은 항상성공을 보장
    해 주지는 않지만 꼭

    노력한만큼의 성장을 우
    리에게 약속해 줍니다

    세상이주는 시련과 실패
    는 우리를 부유하게는

    만들지않지만 인내와 지
    혜를 선물합니다

    노력한 만큼은 그무엇인
    가는 준다고 합니다

    휴식을취하며 휴일을 평
    화롭고 줄겁게 보내세요

    징구님 즐겁고 신나는 하루 입니당

    행복 가득가득 담아
    행복 하셔요

  3. Depression is an illusion. Because when you accept that life is full of pitfalls, hardships and countless pains, then you do not base your happiness off of being out of pain and suffering, but finding peace and solace within it. In acceptance. That… This is my fate. Might as well admire it. Instead of let it bring me down to those spiritual pits of depression. When I turn it around and look up on what I would have looked down on then I gain enlightenment since I begin to seek after and admire what otherwise would have made me depressed and sad, hopeless and despairing. No…. Lets see it this way. Looking back through all the years and centuries of mankind living whole generations that were born and died, they all went through both good times and bad times, they were all born, and they all died. And so, to accept that all will pass, instead of letting loss bring me down, I will admire it and even learn to find happiness from it, to see loss as gain and gain as loss. When in truth this is real. As all possession is an illusion, we are only borrowing what was God's in the first place, even our bodies. All things, people, and places slowly return back to the earth, where all of it was made from, as I say all of this since this can be enjoyable to see, friends singing, smiling and laughing, even though I can't understand a word of it, I kinda like that part, because it's emotion and enjoyment, and there is great riches in that, whether or not you understand it. So yes… I shall accept my fate and not let it bring me down, since that is my enemy, I will transform through all these different stages of my life until whatever end that lies ahead, I will transform and become whatever it takes to live as long as I am able and enjoy the little things I otherwise would not have enjoyed when I was younger, because I was a bit spoiled and wanted so much then, yet now, I learn to be content with little, and enjoy prayer, bible study and a few random shows and games… It all comes and goes… Yet what I do in kindness to others seems to be the most fruitful of actions I take, though I do little of that, because I feel like I need to hide so I can protect myself from most others, I know. It is true. As the Lord said, "It is more blessed to give then to receive." Lord forgive us all and help us to learn to want to give rather then seek to gain, for if we all did so, it would truly be a beautiful world.

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