快速原型製作:草圖繪製| Google for Startups

Mariam Shaikh和Melissa Powel談論素描和紙張原型製作。您是否曾經嘗試過如何將一個想法變成一個高保真原型?每個設計都必須從某個地方開始,甚至在Google,我們也經常從低保真度的原型選項開始,例如草圖和紙張原型。畢竟,原型的保真度應該與您的想法的保真度相匹配,因此不要擔心,而開始草繪。





  1. Peg board for a background prop? really doesn't say quality or professional I have to say. Presentation timing was nice if not a little slow and patronizing.
    Otherwise a new take on old tech. Thanks
    I wonder, is there a better prototype tool, Like a virtual note pad, sketch pad for say a tablet?

  2. Im earning my associates in prototype design at a local community college and this is really cool, i love how there are google products/channels on youtube for startups/wannabe entrepreneurs its sort of like engineering but its also hands on and creative

  3. I don』t tend to use paper prototyping – I sketch out my ideas on Paper on iPad, it lets my move things around so easily, copy/paste certain element, duplicate sketches, etc. I usually import these into Overflow and hotspot them together (doing the User Flows at the same time). I』ve done paper prototyping in the past, and found some of the interactions more time consuming to create.

  4. I want to be a UX Designer at Google one day. You know what, on the desktop site, when you scroll down, the video should auto-resize and pop down with you like in the mobile apps.

  5. Wow, paper can be digital as well. Or use pencil and hire someone to rub used paper which have waste prototypes. Nice sustainable prototyping google :/

  6. Paper prototyping is a joke, its a luxury only multi million (billion in this case) dollar companies can afford. If I show up in a meeting with origami of how my app would work, i'd be fired faster than you can say "practical paper prototyping protips"

  7. google could improve it's blogger instead … 15 plus years and the same crappy formatting options … instead of peddling this icon oversimplified based neo-capitalism … There is zero evidence that this kind of storyboarding and planning actually fosters new business..

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