最好的Android相機與iPhone 11!

智能手機中沒有比相機更重要的功能,因此我們將Pixel 3,華為P30 Pro和Galaxy Note 10+與新的iPhone 11 Pro進行了對比。

請訂閱,這樣您就可以觀看更多類似的視頻! http://phon.es/acsub


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  1. Grrreat video ma' men
    um, one video, and then look at galaxy 10+ on ebay at 8000 pesos mxn, and pixel 3 is cheaper. i am going for pixel 3. One video, 2 webpages, and i have the answer. Yeah

  2. It's obvious you are a walking talking commercial for the iPhone. The iPhone has FALLEN FAR BEHIND in the last couple years
    Any true unbiased comparison proves that in spades ?'$

  3. I just don't know what the hype is all about with the Iphone 11 pro. With only 16 MP for a camera, how can you say that it's got the best camera. All the Iphone 11 do is just screw the picture with some electronic magic. That's not real camera quality. Real camera should get realism photo and not just some fixed up quality.

  4. Being only half way in to this video, my only thought is, how does this vid just have 62K views? The side by side pic comparison made the choice is for me easy for me to make, at least for my taste anyways.
    Great job, guys.

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