索尼表示PS5推出陣容將「令粉絲滿意」並談論PlayStation 5價格點

在索尼最近的一次盈利中,他們談到了即將面世的下一代主機PS5。他們的首席財務官表示,他們相信PS5的發布陣容將「令遊戲迷們感到滿意」,並使得似乎對發布PlayStation 5充滿了期待。他們還談到了PS5的定價。並提到他們的目標是讓消費者接受並能夠滲透到市場的價格。




  1. Some good news coming from Sony about the PS5, I can't wait to see what games are revealed alongside this console. I'm really eager to learn what Bluepoint's game is, I do hope its either Metal Gear Solid or Demon's Souls. I'm also happy to hear the approach Sony is taking with the pricing of the PS5. What are your thoughts on this new info?

  2. $499.99 Pricetag w/ 500 GB SSD, 2 Memory Card Slots on the Front of the Console similar to the PS2.
    SSD Memory Cards – 500GB – $79.99
    Launch Appeal: Bloodborne Remastered by Bluepointe in 60 FPS, 4K, HDR, w/ Ray-tracing. Deep Down finally launching. The Last of Us: Part 2, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima getting the Ray-tracing 60 FPS Support on the PS5. And then there's the Guerrilla Games with either an FPS or Horizon 2 coming at Launch or early 2021. And Spiderman 2 getting a 2021 tease.

  3. This game is boring and it's a walking simulator you sound really salty on your other video boring ???????? no thanks I rather be on my Xbox

  4. Well I』m sorry but a demon souls game and a online game and last of us 2 online DOESNT GET ME EXCITED never been a fan of demon souls and I hate online games as online games have destroyed the video game industry so I won』t support ANY ONLINE ONLY GAMES

  5. Bloodborne 2 would without a doubt be the smartest and most obviously perfect launch title. Can't beleive it isn't happening…or so we think? They do know how to keep a lid on things and it may be they are waiting to pull that ace out in case things go awry somehow.

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