
在Nintendo eShop上查看一些於2019年11月推出的突出遊戲,它們包括:

蒙奇金:Quacked Quest:http://bit.ly/2rniOAG
迪士尼TSUM TSUM節日:http://bit.ly/37zezTn
Black Future ’88:http://bit.ly/34p6leo
傳奇SaGa 3:http://bit.ly/2OlwYvh
查看更多現在可以在此處購買的Nintendo eShop遊戲:http://bit.ly/37F38t0

訂閱更多任天堂的樂趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

#PokemonSwordShield#JustDance2020 #NintendoSwitch

訪問Nintendo.com以獲得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. Nintendo, you deleted all cool Roblox games… I hate you now… You are obsessed with deleting games on Roblox! You lose 10% of fans doing it!

  2. Here's a quick tip for everyone that works in nintendo, for pokemon sword and shield, if you rush a game why sell it as is with 400 pokemon not every pokemon is In it i wanted to see more legendaries from previous and everyone from all games

  3. When is Rune Factory 4 Special coming out? Your site still says it's coming 2019 but nothing specific and I haven't seen a trailer since August.

    EDIT: So apparently someone at Nintendo decided to change the release date on their site. Now it's 2020.

  4. The story is very lackluster and it holds your hands through the entire thing and at the beginning of the game there are so many cut scenes I wish they let you figure things out instead of an npc telling you where to go like back in Pokémon ruby or fire red. Also the forced exp share makes the game super easy at leveling up your Pokémon as well as the candies you get from raid battles. I even beat the entire game without dynamaxing or giganticmaxing once. The lack of voice acting also makes the cutscenes really awkward. The story is also very short being only 15 hours. The post game is also very lacking because the cities are very narrow and their are less Pokémon to catch and train. The wild area was fun it is about the size of 2 regions in breath of the wild which is nice but it starts to feel small when you explore it for a while. The new dynamaxing feature is very lame it only makes the Pokémon bigger and even the giganticmaxing is also lame it hardly even changes the Pokémon. It is basically just a Mega Pokémon with every attack as a zmove. It is a Op gimmic it basically makes the Pokémon indestructible for 3 turns and all your moves one shot everything. Luckily though you can』t use this gimmic when every you want unlike megas and z moves because of how broken it is which is good. But not being able to use the gimmic when ever feel restrictive. Around 60 percent of Pokémon were taken out of the game which runs n the competitive more because it restricts the variety of Pokémon you can use and mix up your team it limits you to the Pokémon that is available in the game. Which doesn』t help give a chance for other Pokémon to shine because no one is going to use a Pokémon just because their is less to pick from there are just going to use their favorite. The lack of Pokémon also shortens the post game because there is less Pokémon to catch. They said they did it to improve the graphics but the graphics are nearly the same just more polished up what they should have done was redone the animations like the double kick move they should have at least made the Pokémon move to the Pokémon and actually kick instead of showing to feet on the enemy Pokémon. The Pokémon in the wild area animations are also bad I see them spinning in circles t posing. Also the battle backgrounds make no sense like sometimes when you are near a bridge and battle a trainer the battle background is the wild and Pokémon let』s go pikachu and evee didn』t even have this problem the backgrounds in a battle made sense like when you fought an traine in the cerulean gym the background would be the creulian gym.Removing the Pokémon to balance out the competitive is also dumb because we can just ban the Pokémon from use or only let certain Pokémon be used in tornment like ubers only or RU Pokémon only. Not only that megas and z moves were removed from the game which is a much better, more balanced, and cooler gimmic. The enemy team is just a remake of team skull but worse. Instead of being a bunch of gang kids with Guzma as their leader now it』s just some Fans of Marnie. Also all team yell does is basically block the way so you can』t skip a gym or cut scene Another problem is this game is now worth 20 dollars extra and the online is no longer free meaning you can』t trade or battle people for a game that just removed good features from older games or replaced features that some are arguably worse
    Playing without online is horrible because the cpu they provide you for raid battles are absolutely horrible they always have low level and first evolved Pokémon that get one shoted by any of the boss attacks
    The online is also very laggy

    My biggest issue was the no megas because if they had mega evolution when I beat the game I could mega evolve my Pokémon where ever I want. And I really miss it megas was the man reason why so lower tier Pokémon back better and even already good Pokémon became better and improved my strategy in double battles and bowing when to use them. Unlike dynamaxing which is too op. I hope they add megas back in the game at least

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