感染率圖表預測美國冠狀病毒病例將急劇上升| Business Wire Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

亞倫鑽石艾滋病研究中心主任兼首席執行官大衛·何博士與瑞秋·馬多(Rachel Maddow)討論了其他國家新冠狀病毒病例圖的形狀如何可以指導美國的期望。於3/13/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日見面會,Ari Melber的節拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宮,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等內容中查找視頻片段和片段。


感染率圖表預測美國冠狀病毒病例將急劇上升| Business Wire Rachel Maddow | MSNBC。

  1. With this virus time is not on ur side. U can't be politically correct with it either. Do any of these 2 things and the virus goes out of control. Solution: as soon as possible , be extremely aggressive with it.

  2. Those with healthy immune systems have about a 95% chance of only getting slightly sick if exposed so why not only prevent senior citizens and those with compromised immune systems from large public gatherings like sports events and concerts? Also why not implement safety measures for nursing homes and inform younger people how to protect exposing their senior citizen parents and grandparents from exposure? If this was the 1918 Spanish flu it would be cause for great alarm but it』s not, get an appropriate amount of test prepared, protect those with immune deficiencies and senior citizens.

  3. I Dont believe a word of it.. There Dictatorship never lets go of there kind no matter where they are and if they dont go along they eliminate them. Research it..

  4. People are scared for no reason well maybe the media and Trump doing the most instead go listen to some explicit music @Clearingradi @Clearingradio or @Despejandolv
    Love your interviews Rachel keep it up

  5. Chinese measures included welding people in apartments, blockading towns with armed guards at barriers (Chinese public are unarmed), zipping the living into body bags for disposal and possible executions of infected…
    and lying to the world about number of deaths.

    We will have a slower response but that's the price of having a moral centre.

  6. please give me a thumbs up if you know anyone personally who has tested positive for CV-19…not rumor, not T lie vision……direct experience. Trying to understand from the real people the truth. Thank u and if you will respond you get a better understanding too.

  7. Wow and when we Italians locked our country down we were "overreacting" and "crazy" LMAO ooookaaaaayyyy…
    Every single movie about pandemics are American and set in the US, isn't it ironic? I thought you were at least prepared for this but nope… Good luck from Italy, I thought you would have learned from us and listened to our warnings, I'm so sorry! ??

  8. First off, find out who infected most of the planet with an artificially created contagion, that was interrupted by a pig, infected with African Swine Fever, infecting a human. Did some company start a fire just to put it out?

  9. If CVD-19 cases more than double by Wednesday the Trump administration is going to get suffer a bipartisan crisis of confidence. My model predicts a 13.6% chance of 20k confirmed cases and a DOW of 18k by Mar 20.

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