
亞米切爾·阿爾辛多(Yamiche Alcindor)向喬伊·里德(Joy Reid)講述了她是如何向特朗普施壓的,說明了他為何解散了奧巴馬時代的白宮大流行病辦公室。特朗普說,他對此一無所知:「如果他沒有說實話……那麼你有一位總統只是說,「好吧,我完全超然,不想為這種流行病承擔任何責任。」」 Bina Venkataramen也加入了。於3/13/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日見面會,Ari Melber的節拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宮,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等內容中查找視頻片段和片段。



  1. trying to analyse and figure what and why this guy is thinking and doing or not doing won』t change the fact that the virus is spreading and people are dying. Someone else need to take charge and start to do the right thing.

  2. Can you believe what he just said?

    He is treating American as live stock ready to be sacrificed for his own benefit.

    This guy is a monster, a dangerous being that will bring calamity to America.

    Never have i regretted doing something more than voted Trump in 2016.

    I have been lied, and i learnt this the hardest way.

  3. The Chinese will trace back to it's origin, they are doing it already and western news networks are denouncing it calling it a Chinese conspiracy theory , though we all know it came from USA…btw just like 9/11 all made in America.

  4. Chump, you claim you are not responsible for the virus pandemic. But you should be responsible! Get off the tweets and let the people hear the voice of the experts, not uneducated dumbos like you and your group of incompetents.

  5. Swampy Trump never takes responsibility for any thing unless it's good. He will blame previous administration's. As Archie Bunker says A DING BAT

  6. Thank you, Yamiche, for asking a crucial question here. Trump is a pathological liar and a fake. His cowardice has no bounds . He, of course, is responsible in this case. His accomplices turned your microphone off preventing you from asking follow up questions. He was afraid of you and your questioning. The public witnessed Trump's failure as a president— he is the real fake here.

  7. The corrupt Dems should take responsibility. They knew that Obama sold our drug companies to China, so they paid China to make this, because it was the only way to black mail the country, and take down TRUMP. The truth will set you free

  8. No surprise. Spray-Tan said the same thing before, during, and after each bankruptcy. I knew whatever crisis he would face, Trump would fall flat on his bronzer face. He is just not a leader. He's just a mouth that runs, completely uncontrolled. He's a sick demented dork.

  9. I didn't think he could do any more to disgust me. After stopping the practice of daily briefings, a duty of Government that should be provided to the American people as an oversight to the Government's actions and decisions, he now has a facility to 'turn off' the microphones of reporters who are asking uncomfortable questions. Journalists are subjected to being called all sorts of rude names and having their profession disparaged by having their reports called 'fake news'. I'm not an American nor am I a journalist but I think the slander and libel laws of the US should be given an overhaul. It's in such bad taste for a president to bully citizens and make up idiotic schoolyard names for anyone he doesn't like. He has the upper hand because no one can retaliate and keep their jobs. This president is so wrong. Americans who feel the same way I do have my deepest sympathies.

  10. So, this "flu" type illness, with mortality less than 1% according to Trump's "hunch", notwithstanding the CDC estimate of 3.4%, this virus, which will miraculously disappear in April, the virus for which Trump advised people to "go to work" and just carry on, (totally clueless about contagion!),l this thing is now a "national emergency".

    How does this jerk live with himself? Why doesn't he apologize to the American people for being a snotty 12 year old and identifying Everything with himself, the sad narcissist, and just resign and go off into the hills to live out the rest of his days! A mensch would at least acknowledge how utterly wrong and stupid he has been and promise to do better perhaps. Not Donnie. He takes no responsibility for anything tragic. Only the good stuff, the bull market, unemployment etc. He does nothing, you know, nothing at all but watch TV, woof down Big Macs and tweet about his enemies day after day after day. Well, we have had it with this guy! Resign. Resign. Resign. He needs to beg forgiveness from the American people.

  11. trump has frequently said coronavirus was no big deal or a 「hoax」, but it』s now his
    「Pearl Harbor」, 「Katrina」 and 「9/11」, all combined, and he』s really freaking
    out. He tried everything in his usual bag of tricks (lying, boasting, blaming
    others, etc) over the last 2 months to avoid it, but none of that has worked
    for him or us. The virus is quickly spiraling out of control, we are woefully
    unprepared, and Americans rightfully hold him responsible for making us safe.
    Unfortunately, since he has zero empathy, is a consummate huckster and a pathological
    narcissist, he is totally incapable of dealing with this crisis effectively. As
    a result, we are now in for huge human suffering and economic loss.

  12. Attn: MSNBC – If you want to find out who is responsible for the virus – get on a plane and fly over to China and look for the person or persons who started the virus… good luck with that…..

  13. There is a plaque in the Oval office, with the words of Harry S. Truman. It reads, 'The Buck Stops Here'.
    Someone needs to explain it to Trump, so he won't embarrass himself on the responsibilities of a President.

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