



  1. If the Government did there jobs at the start there would be no panic. We get to this point and you say don』t panic. We can』t trust are governments to do the write things for us. But don』t panic. You can』t even buy toilet paper for 3 days here in any store. But don』t panic. ??????????

  2. Stores should definitely limit the amount of certain item you can purchase per household. But…. they are making a fortune rite now why would they do that ?

  3. If they said 3000 birds died last month, you'd all believe it; because they said it, do we know if that is true; no we are just taking their word for it. When a scam artist calls you and tells you something and you believe it because they say they are from your bank and you send the scam artist money; only to realize after you were screwed.

    They say thousands are dying, that is easy to say; is there any fact, no you all just believe it because you think they want to protect us and warn us. What if it's all a lie, what if your being scammed so badly that they are laughing and you are hording toilet paper for a century; what if the companies are laughing their way to the bank and you are in fear sitting at home waiting for, oh wait; that is it, nothing to happen each day will go on, the sun with set and you are trapping yourself in your mind ready to die.

    Think about it, germs are natural humans have lived for thousands of years, we touched all sorts of germs; many lived long lives up too 100; look at Kirk Douglas the guy probably touched human poop atleast a few times in his life, really think about this people.

    2025 will arrive you will be older and maybe have children of your own touching dog poop in the park; relax.

  4. Corona ist doch ideal, die Menschen sind mit Hamsterkäufen beschäftigt. Im Hintergrund läuft die Flüchtlingswelle. Alle Grenzen werden dicht gemacht, nur Deutschland ist offen. ??????

  5. People hoard because they can buy tonnes loads and resell at a profit. Even if they did not manage to resell all, they can still return to the store after the coronavirus settles down with the receipt and all. And yet people are making $100,000 in profits.

  6. Now thn close these borders when all the toilet paper are gone. Now thn ask people not to travel when someone's wife must be cheating when she gotten the coronavirus.

  7. The Government must need to advice precisely and in detail explanation in media during press conference like everyone must be stay at home you can go out if emergency like buying or seek medications if serious illness occurs and do not travel in buses sea or in airports have a social distancing to contained the virus and stop spreading to everywhere..we need to sacrifice amidst of these catastrophe so not everyone of us will lost their lives and surpass these pandemics..

  8. Come on people – just wear gloves! Not the plastic/vinyl kind, the thin cotton "military dress" type. The majority of all viruses are contracted when we touch an infected surface, then touch our mouth, nose, or eye. The CDC is really dropping the ball here with the message "wash your hands" – by the time we get home to wash our hands, IT'S TOO LATE. Simply wearing thin gloves will be a constant in-the-field reminder not to touch our face until AFTER WE GET HOME and wash our hands.

  9. Unfortunately, if this panic buying continues, people looking to buy regular essentials will find nothing on the shelves and this will lead to limits on quantities, which will lead to fights, riots, etc. PEOPLE NEED TO THINK BEFORE ACTING!!

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