Xbox ScarlettVS。 PS5。真正的下一代飛躍!

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  1. oh Xbox is doing this and Xbox is doing that, hmm ye because Xbox is Microsoft a giant company compared to Sony and they have had their hand in PC for over 20 years so it is easy for them to do it, it will cost them nothing to put it on PC while they still charge you an extra 5 bucks, this is literally a bigger company trying to suck the life out of a smaller company by using its power on multiple platforms, while not caring about the actual gamers, Sony would have to pay Microsoft to get their games on PC which I cannot see happening, Microsoft is so shady that people are forgetting they were the first to charge for online gaming, they tried to sell the less powerful Xbox for 100$ more than the PS4, They tried to say a big FU to people with no or slow internet. before people come at me with I'm just a PS fan boy I would say damn right and with good reason, I owned an original Xbox and Xbox 360 and lets not forget the red ring with that console, not too mention you had to pay for internet, then I switched to a ps3 sure it wasn't great but I didn't see any quality difference and then there are the exclusives Sony has brought out, they brought PSVR on for PS4, which is probably why the PS4 Pro wasn't as good as the XBOX X, people think more power is better and sure for some people it might be, but for me it is the way the company treats its consumers and I will never support Microsoft with its shady business practices that most people either look away from or just don't see it. Just look how cocky Phil spencer is atm, he already is going around saying the new gen Xbox will outperform the PS5 with out even knowing the specs of it, he works for a company with more money than anything else and yet they still price everything higher than everyone else, they are cocky money grabbers because they are a bigger company than Sony they swan into consoles thinking they can do it better, more money doesn't mean you can do it better, proof that Microsoft doesn't care about gaming is the lack of exclusives, they have been riding HALO ever since they joined the consoles war.

  2. 8K fps is basically 4K fps ÷ 4. So a 4k 120fps game could possibly runs 8K 30fps. But It would need to be a graphically simple game for the current hardware capacity.

  3. The specs look impressive but I'm starting to be a bit concerned in light of the woke culture that is plaguing TV and movies lately. I really hope this woke crap doesn't creep into videogames

  4. I wanna see 60fps on console. 30 fps in most modern games is atrocious and negatively impacts gameplay. Destiny 2 for example. No fast pace fps game should ever run at 30fps

  5. I think the PS5 and new Xbox will mark the end of an era rather than the start of something new,I want to see virtual reality be the next huge leap in gaming.

  6. I love phisical games, but having to deal with disks roting over the years just makes want kill those friggin lens. I, honestly, prefer to have my games on digital… I really hope that new generation consoles go back to cartridges, like Switch does.

  7. Maybe instead of waisting time making super detailed games of open worlds how bout putting time into making an actual game. No one really cares what wildlife and trees an such look like in a game you could save on time and space on a hard drive. It doesn't affect any type of game play other than it looks nice. Whoopty doo. Games are not meant as an Adobe project.

  8. Honestly I had a PS4 pro and thought the xbox one X when I got it was already a next gen leap considering what the PS4 pro could do, also the PS4 Pro makes 3X the noise the xbox one X makes when in heavy use.

  9. I don』t think it really matters, I』ve been with PlayStation since the beginning and last year just for kicks I also bought an Xbox one X & several games just to try it I ended up selling it two months later i didn』t like it, also didn』t like the way it does updates and the way to turn it off and the user interface is crap, so it doesn』t matter PS people are going to stay with PS & Xbox people are going to stay with Xbox, I would like to find out what percentage is actually willing to change over

  10. 2:43 The PS4 is beating the Xbox One mostly because of it's PS4 exclusive games (God of War, Uncharted 4, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo, PSVR.*) Microsoft had a couple of nice Xbox One exclusives (Cuphead, Ori & The Blind Forest, Forza), but then they released them for PC (and Switch).. So there went their exclusives, and therefore, the reasons to buy an Xbox One.

  11. Plot Twist is that the Xbox Scarlett is going to be both made by Microsoft and Nintendo low key these 2 companies have been working together as of late and I really think the next Xbox might not be an Xbox but the GameCube it makes perfect sense Microsoft will do the Hardware while Nintendo will do most of Marketing for the console and will only do Handhelds for now on and let Microsoft do all Network and Hardware Design so that means the anything Xbox will be rebranded to GameCube. Also Nintendo President is looking slowly drift away from Hardware so it looks like the Switch will be the last console by Nintendo and they'll just make Handhelds and let Microsoft make the Home Console.

  12. It's humorous when people disregard the price of two products when talking about how well something sells. Especially when they supposedly worked in retail. Sony beat Microsoft in sales this gen because the Ps4 was $400 and the Xbox One was $500 for the first year or so. They're both basically the same machine. Until God of War neither had game that was a console seller anymore. The next generation is going to way as the last couple. Price. The WII is the second best selling console of all time for fucks sake and it sucked. The reason why is because it was significantly cheaper than the Ps3 and the Xbox 360.

  13. It』s funny how we went from the forward thinking high end consoles of the 7th gen to what we got in the 8th. Sony with their cell processor and Microsoft with their 3 core Xeon, both ahead of their time. This next gen reminds me a lot of the 7th. With both gunning for high end specs to rival that of higher end PCs(not highest). So both console and PC gamers are going to be benefitting from these tech advancements. Ray Tracing is going to get a kick in the butt forward because of the consoles,with developers coming up with new and exciting ways to implement and better it all around. I can』t wait!

  14. Most people will probably not be able to afford a 8k tv before The next next-gen comes out. So they are too early with 8k on ps5/scarlett. They seems too focused on resolution. It makes me nervous it will once again sacrifice good framerates..

  15. Any news on trading in Xbox one x for Scarlett? I don't need two console boxes sitting around. A trade in program at a Microsoft store would probably get me to upgrade asap. Especially since all my Xbox games will be there already as I mostly have downloads.

  16. Guys i need your help…
    I'm getting an Xbox One X this year
    So is it worth getting the scarlett next year??
    (Plz keep ps4/ps5 comments to yourself)

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