
整個海灣地區,商店都擠滿了瘋狂的購物者。鑒於該病毒並未關閉商店,真正解釋恐慌性購買的原因是什麼?安德里亞·博爾巴(Andria Borba)詢問並得到答案。 (3-13-20)。

  1. Why are people buying a year supply of stuff ? Corona isn』t gonna last for a year lol. They』re gonna probably find a cure soon. Plus some people who get it recover from it and are fine sooo..

  2. maybe now people ´´get. . ? when others say Göv$ cant be trustät v?v

    messis renting out space non christians szelling their överstöck D ^?^
    ´döcs begän a bäeRkänn ^^ ?

  3. "Oh, Chicken Little, the SKY is falling! The SKY is falling!!" And so, being the idiotic silly twit that he was, "Chicky Boy" ran right out to the hardware store, where he bought every mask and hard hat he could find.

  4. I like to get extra now because there is no guarantee they will have items, especially if the stores, store employees or distribution. warehouse runs out or closes temporarily. plus I will eventually use the stuff and it helps with social distancing.

  5. Price gouging is a shame? If dumb people don't overreact then prices wouldn't go up. I really hope all these people get infected so they can put their toilet papers to good use.

  6. The left wants to destroy the nation, in one way or the other. The panicking fake news people, who tried to bring down Trump, are resorting to this, to bring down the nation, in another way. Stop the madness. 80% of the cases, are minor.

  7. Just about any store that carries what everyone is like hoarding so to speak is running out of stock till more can get added to place to be restock and by chance sell out again. yea reading and hearing stores are up charging i guess to make bank cause so many want certain stuff now. as i read once that now everyone got money cause a virus hit to make so many buy out all needs and wants.

  8. if you want groceries, go to sprouts in Dublin, ca. they're awesome. they had plenty of stock for most things today, and no price gauging. on the contrary, they still had sales going! Wow, talk about an upstanding honest grocery store. Go Sprouts!

  9. Must be nice to have money because not everyone can "fill up" their cart if they're going to stand in line for 45 minutes. I didn't go to big stores like that I ended up going to a local family dollar which had paper, food and other basic needs. It's not even worth going to Cosco or Sam's or Walmart because it seems like the whole world is there and Walmart never has enough bottled water anyway on any day to begin with.

  10. When are all stores going to stock where is more toilet paper paper towels and hand sanitizers where are they going to be all stuck up again I really want this to be that's good time to go on a Disney cruise

  11. While I am in a lockdown country in Europe just do my normal shopping as usual, no line at all. Prices are normal, no difference. There was a bit of panic buying on friday from some idiots, but on saturday all shelves have been full again. No lack of toiletpaper! or anything else…just relax people, it's not the end of the world. btw crowded masses in a supermarket, staying there for hours, coronavirus will be like: "Thanks guys, gonna catch you all!"

  12. I have the symptoms, cant get a test though, i have no transportation and my casino denies me a mask and a paid leave, someone must do something about this problem in blackhawk Colorado as we already have 3 cases, every casino worker here has most likely been in contact with the infected yet nothing is being done to prevent a huge breakout, and most of our guests are tourists so they will spread the virus rapidly all over the country

  13. Wow crowds of people and no mass shootings? Thanks corona virus…rather it's a chicken sandwich or an airborne virus..people love to wait in lines killing eachother over nothing…if the media told them to jump off a cliff there'd be a line of people fighting about who jumps first. Wake up people

  14. COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! This is the job of the media, to have something to cover and make it look worse that it is! What do you think is going to happen? Do you think you will be stranded at home for months?
    This was not the case when AIDS was made known and people then were even afraid to use a public restroom! But then we did not have the CRAZY media like we do now!
    I am so worried today, I went shopping all over the place and I am about to go eat at a buffet!
    One thing about it, I wish I owned stock in toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

  15. I thought price gouging was illegal. Here in Alabama during any natural disaster we watch it very carefully. Does anyone know if it's just a state by state law? I'm curious to know. Stay healthy and helpful America!????

  16. Stupid idiots ? I would only allow them limits on everything you either follow the rules or gtfo period that's why I took off today at Target crazy ass shit they should be ashamed acting like animals

  17. The economic crash had nothing to do with the coronavirus—it was all visible on the charts through technical analysis before the CV news broke. The people who manipulate the markets timed the CV need to coincide with the economic crash purposefully to cover up that people are losing faith in economy 1.0.
    The new digital age is at foot, and the current monetary elites CANNOT BE BLAMED FOR ITS DESTRUCTION—hence, the coronavirus! They are using this as a scapegoat.
    My personal belief (which is backed up by a lot of evidence and is clearly the 「big picture agenda」) is that the current 「western」 economic system is going to crash and the bankers are crashing it but using CV and other manipulations to keep them from being blamed so they can be at top during the digital age (that will eventually lead to the mark!) As people sell their stocks, gold, crypto, etc and prices drop, they will grab the assets that they know are going to be used in economy 2.0 (the digital age of complete surveillance).
    This transfer of wealth is going to be painful…Godspeed my friends

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