
這越來越真實,無法停止! 5G啟示錄。
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特別感謝LONDON REAL的這次精彩採訪
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  1. В своём последнем видео Я делюсь своими ощущениями от вреда мобильной связи .спасибо за видео автору теперь я могу сделать окончательный вывод для себя

  2. The devil is known to be the 「prince of the power of the air」 Ephesians 2:2 「「Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:」
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Air= sound waves, electromagnetic waves, gamma rays, etc.

  3. 「The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,

    would supplicate by saying, 「O Lord, help me and do not help against me, support me and do not support against me, plan for me and do not plan against me. Guide me and make guidance easy for me. Support me against those who transgress against me. O Lord, make me grateful to you, mindful of you, fearful of you, obedient to you, humble to you, turning to you and repenting. O Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sin, answer my supplication, establish my proof, direct my tongue, guide my heart, and remove the hatred from my chest.」」

  4. 5g causes heat and corona virus doesn』t survive heat where do we get these rage boxes i have cut down all the mature trees around me im ready

  5. GEOENGINEERING THAT IS GLOBALLY KILLING ALL LIFE ON EARTH AS WE SPEAK, AND NOW…… 5G that gets right into your BRAIN…. TELL ME WHAT "SMART" TECHNOLOGY MEANS AT ALL WITHOUT SOUNDLY THINKING HUMANS BUT ONLY THE MENTAL RETARDS, DISORIENTED AND PSYCHOTIC. STOP "CONTROLLING" MOTHER NATURE THAT HAS DESIGNED YOUR BODY IN THE FIRST PLACE, MAD IDIOTS!!!!  WE, HUMANS,  ARE COLOSSALLY  SELF-DESTRUCTIVE AND STILL HAS NO CLUE WHY..   The 「future society」 you try to model and control is about wretched and HELLISH man-created MONSTROSITY AGAINST ALL NATURE』S LAWS. WHAT ARE NATURE』S LAWS? Every wild animal in the wilderness deeply senses the weather changes, knows where to find the places with sources of food and safety in great distances HAVING NO MAPS, CELLPHONES, SuperMicroscopes or telescopes and no any tech gadgets of any sorts!!!!!!!!!!   HUMANS POSSESS THE MOST RETARDED SENSE-PERCEPTIONS, the most disoriented and confused creatures on this planet.  HUMAN TECHNOLOGY IS ONLY POINTING OUT THAT WE ARE POOR HANDICAPS WHO NEED CRUTCHES IN EVERYTHING THEY DO. THIS 「ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE」   as we have none on our own. WHAT A SHAME.

  6. Thank you for awaking us !!! I live in Japan and I don』t want to part of this crazy matrix in here !! Wish you a beautiful sunny ☀️ day !!! Breath in !!!

  7. Anyone who falls for this bullshit should be banned from conceiving children.its a dif tech .they tried the same scare tactics with cellphones remember??? Omg microwave towers ..myoull cook my childs brain…omfg cellphones against bare skin your gona cook your brain its the same tech as microwaves youll cook yourself ….IT IS NOT RADIATION if it was everytime a thunderstorm happened everyone would be dead theres 10 million times more energy in each bolt and it makes freaking ozone by joining atoms .

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