Kill Switch預告片預告片(1)(2017)|電影剪輯預告片

Kill Switch Teaser Trailer#1(2017):看看由Dan Stevens,Charity Wakefield和BéréniceMarlohe主演的新預告片!成為第一個觀看,評論和分享預告片和電影預告片/剪輯的人,@ MovieclipsTrailers即將發布。


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  1. This movie wasn't the best one I've ever seen. Not even close. It wasn't even good for that matter. The visuals were fucking epic. The story? Shite as fuck. The storyline was so flat en straight forward. I feel like they rushed through this movie too quick. If they had made this into a trilogy, it would've been way better in my opinion. 5/10 from me.

  2. Does anyone else remember a short film called "What's In the Box?". It was a test film back in 2009, and it looks exactly like this.

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