

  1. Never get any of the new races, rep grind is just to dull for me to do and I divide my time to much between characters so the rep gets spread out. If they would just allow alternate ways to earn the races, or atleast alternate ways to rep grind. Like faction tabards to allow us to raid/dungeon/pvp etc…

  2. Can I get a rip to all us casual players that have full time jobs and kids that don』t have to grind anything like this what happened to just grinding for better gear why did Azerite and corruption ever become a thing…..

  3. I just have two questions, 1) what are the classes available to the Vulpera and Mechagnomes, and 2) do we have to go through the dungeon and kill Mechagon to activate the Mechs? Personally I hate both the island and dungeon (too much lag and the search for parties going in to Operation: Mechagon takes forever).

  4. People are going to come back for 8.3… realize they have to go through all of 8.2 still just to basically play it… and vacate!
    Blizzard is losing it's mind, along with it's understanding of fun and engaging game design. Full stop.

  5. Bfa 8.3! World of warcrafts worst patch ever made. Blizzard need to understand how to make wow lore better. Disposing of N´zoth in 1 patch, shows that Blizzard do not know what they are doing. It is sad that they cant give N´zoth an Expansion. They gave Gul´dan 2 expansions, and N´zoth 1 patch. that sucks so much.. I hope patch 8.3 tanks and Blizzard loose millions of people playing the game until Shadowlands. I will play FF14 for the next 8 months till next expansion coming out. I will NOT play 8.3 cause Everything that happends in 8.3 will be useless in shadowlands. So, this patch is 100 % useless!

  6. Thank you very much for this. I have been so busy helping my parents with their new business I have had no time to play since Christmas Day & I'm frustrated but I'm off tomorrow so it will be all day or as long as I can sit comfortably to catch up.??? Thanks again

  7. and when shadowlamd hits you get better gear and upgrades "by just doing the content"….
    Been there, done that. Since WotLK that grind is a exercise of futility if you are not part of a hardcore guild.

  8. Reading the comments on this video, you can see how people feel entitled or their need of 「instant gratification」 the point of the game is to play. Complaining you don』t get some piece of gear because you feel entitled to it…lol. Sounds like a bunch of whiny children that don』t get their way.

  9. Great, much informative video. I miss retail, I miss my affliction warlock, but I don't think I can come back. It's getting super complicated with thousand things to do and grind that it won't allow you to ever get a fun. I was away for patch 8.2 so returning back right now would burn me really fast. I am actually playing classic and I think I will stay there. Maybe one day, when I can catch up with the other players in retail without literally falling asleep in front of my PC I will come back.

  10. I was planning on coming back to the game, then I started hearing get started on rep grind and essences every third sentence. I hated the essences and azurite gear. I'll pass for now.

  11. Things like this bring me back to legion artifacts, spend all that time to build it up for it to be obsolete in the next expansion. I really hope Azerite armour and heart of Azeroth aren』t discarded ?

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