Google Panda產品發布會2015

我們一直在不斷努力,以最快的速度使您要查找的信息變成一秒鐘。今天(2015年4月1日),我們宣布了新版Google Panda。點擊此處獲取Google日本官方博客(。

在Google,我們每天都在工作,以便我們的用戶能夠儘快訪問所需的信息。今天,2015年4月1日,我們發布了一種全新產品Google Panda。 (了解更多詳細信息。

  1. "People will be asking the Panda everything they've ever wanted to know!"

    OK… why do you struggle to breed? You firing blanks down there?

  2. Oh yes, Google Pander your friend, always answering your questions… but not telling you that every question you ask, the answer it gives and your response are all sent to Mr God google in the cloud(s) along with your personal details and time stamped location so he can analyse what you do, your personality, predict what you want to buy and your movements, and then eventually sell it to businesses and (worst of all) governments (including totalitarian countries)……. Google Pander has made sure you are no longer an individual, just a product like the pander itself to be exploited…..

  3. This has to be a joke, very inconvenient having to carry a panda around. Not to mention it would probably end up smelling like my 2 year olds nieces bunny after a year.

  4. Really Stupid now… …. mobile , computer and internet … made almost… sure that .. it stop the human beings spend less time with family .. now with this stupid invention you are make .. complete disconnection of human race..with each other and speak with some stupid…. robot

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