


  1. Guys,
    don』t worry about the coronavirus. God got it in control!!! And this is also a sign that God is coming, and we have to be ready! So just don』t worry about the coronavirus cause God got it!!!!

  2. If one person could do so much to prevent this spread then other countries wouldn't be so impaled right now. Those who point fingers at trump need to realize this is a virus that bombarded country after country out of nowhere. Test kits are not for sure thing, they don't have near the accurate scale as medical centers have. If so then going to the doctor and sending off to a lab wouldn't be necessary. The reality is this is serious which he has plainly cone forth saying . Worry about you and your family and stop wasting time trying make it someone fault.

  3. Na Europa e aqui no Brasil, até os anos 1800, se rezava esta Oração contra as pestes e a cólera, quando essas não tinham cura e aterrorizavam as pessoas.

    Voltemos, pois, a rezá-la, tamanha sua Força e Poder, contra o CORONAVÍRUS.

    Recorramos à Onipotência Suplicante de Maria..


    Arca santa e imaculada, tão pura e cheia de graça, sede a nossa salvação, neste perigo de desgraças.

    Eis a Mãe de Deus humanado, que por nós expirou na Cruz, que pedirás, ó Senhora, que vos negue o Bom Jesus?

    Advogada celeste, desta pobre humanidade, perdão, Senhora, alcançai-nos, da Divina Majestade, dissipai a cruel peste, poderosa intercessora.

    Como a cabeça esmagastes da serpente enganadora, a natureza, Senhora, ao Seu Filho obedece, e o Vosso Filho que a rege, não resiste à Vossa prece. Amém.

  4. True fact: Wuhan China has a level 4 bio lab that studies SARS and Ebola. Take a step back and look at how it effects the economy of each country. Is this china showing its power via creating this virus?

  5. Hey German
    scientist when you have a
    antidote, i want it for the USA.Only for the USA ! You have a problem ? Take the money ! You dont want the money ? We reserve all measures !

  6. 'Corona Virus Outbreak Simulation' Event 201 was held in October 2019 – why?
    1. Release the virus.
    2. Create chaos through fear.
    3. Crash the global markets.
    4. Buy the stocks dirt cheap

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