8.3突襲和武器外觀!魔獸世界8.3 Transmog預覽

8.3中新增了盔甲和武器!看一看N’zoth Patch 8.3的視覺效果。與BfA傳統補丁8.3相同的是,每種類型都帶來了新的裝甲組,因此包括8.3布套,8.3皮革套,8.3郵件套和8.3平板套。除了可以從突襲和PvP中獲得的超棒的新8.3變形裝備外,在Ny’alotha突襲中還出現了新的武器!


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  1. Hey @Hazelnuttygames did you happen to notice that the 4 color variations for Ny'alotha armor are linked to 4 of the Old Gods. LFR: Yogg Saron. Normal: C'thun. Heroic: G'huun. Mythic: N'Zoth.

  2. first new piece of gear I got on my DK was a helmet with that plate model, and ilvl 435, so I don't have to get rid of it for a while.

  3. Our raid begins today so I am looking very much forward to today. Plate and leather look awesome. Especially heroic. It gives me a G'huun feel.

  4. My biggest problem with the leather set is that the mythic set only adds 1 extra row of teeth on the helm and two small tentacles sticking out of the shoulder pads, if you mog the heroic set and then add the PvP elite helm and shoulder it becomes literally the complete elite PvP set

  5. i wasn't a fan of the mostly barnacled nazjatar sets either but their cloth version in particular grew on me eventually…

    i feel the same won't happen this time around..

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