
本·夏皮羅(Ben Shapiro)對一項研究的回應,該研究表明,可能有超過1億美國人被冠狀病毒感染。

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本·夏皮羅(Ben Shapiro)對一項研究的回應,該研究表明,可能有超過1億美國人被冠狀病毒感染。


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  1. 「Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.」
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  2. Breakup the cauliflower, steam it with sliced onions. Serve hot with sea salt and butter. It is  naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins. It provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. It also contains fiber to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline that is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients.

  3. I don't think you do get this Ben. H1N1 was NOT treated nor caught early on like Covid19 was, and it didn't result in the deaths the NYTs spouts for Covid19. The media hit the panic button trying to blame Trump for this. No one panicked during the H1N1 outbreak b/c the MSM convinced ppl that Obama had everything under control even though 1k ppl had already died, and NOTHING had been done! Btw, why are you looking at, or believing ANYTHING that comes from the NYTs?

  4. How's your wife doing? She a little scared. I am a nurse with almost 30 years of experience. This is supposed to happen overseas. It is a little overwhelming – like the calm before the storm. I'm very concerned and scared.

  5. Maybe they are wrong? 1 million people. I forgot how many people in china died with no more reported cases in the last 3 weeks? Oh ya. This man is a plant ,plant him.

  6. Glad we can see clearly during this exercise in tyranny who is working for them very clearly. You people are sheep. Arm yourselves remove these workers from their boards.

  7. This feels more like a manufactured virus/pandemic intended to grow big government. BECAUSE the mortality is statistically very low and the politicization is unusually high when compared to previous epidemics. In addition, the facts suggest it's a long incubation flu but we're not being told to treat like we'd normally treat the flu. The two week incubation period sounds bogus to me. Nothing deadly takes that long to incubate. No one was talking about the validity of socialized medicine when Ebola was happening, were they??? Somethings not right here.

  8. Just answer me this Ben, will I be driving the school bus again any time soon? Is the Govt going to pay my mortgage or light bill, food bill, etc? Will I be able to get my blood pressure medicine?

  9. My eighteen year old daughter walked in while I was watching one of your videos. She glanced at my cell and said " Wow, I didn't know Jeff Gordon had a YouTube channel. He's intelligent. " Then, she walked away. I tried to tell her she was wrong, but she refuses to believe me.

  10. Jesus christ, how can a one fucking nation throw this much shit into everyone face. Is this the final nail for ccp or do the moneymen just keep making money up there?

  11. Stop! 100 million?! BS!!! This is all to get President Trump. Are you quoting the NYT』s? There is NO reason to shut down anything. Never let a crisis go to waste. Ben, you are playing into the hysteria. NO aggressive actions are needed. Scientists? Really? They are NOT on the front lines. I』m sorry Ben but you are panicking. Please calm down. DO NOT lock down anything. There is no need. Bill Maher and the Left are getting their wish. Crash the economy. Did you and Matt Walsh talk about this?
    Keep calm and simply disinfect on.

  12. So, Ben the closest vaccine availability is a year, we are to stop work and everything in our lives till July?? Then once July comes and it still doesn』t get better we are to rely on the government for everything for the remainder of our lives??? It can』t be possible that this is worse than the flu…I work in the medical field, and it still doesn』t make logical sense how the media and doctors that are doomsday lovers keep saying all these deaths when over 70,000 people have fully recovered from it like the flu and pneumonia other than elderly people and those with severe respiratory issues..I mean what 5,200 deaths in 132,000 cases globally with over 70,000 making full recoveries…how is this the end of the world scenarios y』all are making it out to be?? I expected you as bright and conservative as you are to be on the logical side of things not run and hide and stay in from everything.

  13. Those NY Times numbers are projecting 10% mortality? Where are they getting that? Those numbers are WAY over anything we've been hearing so far. I Ben paying any attention to the projected stats he's reading? C'mon, Ben, if South Korea, which has been aggressively testing, comes up with a .6% mortality rate, HOW THE HECK are we going to have a 10% rate here?????

  14. I'm a democrat but I like listening to Ben he's an intellectual man and gives a different perspective, I may not agree with his ideas but he has my respect because of the great capacity of knowledge he has.

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