
世界衛生組織負責人敦促歐洲國家對這種病毒採取更具侵略性的行動,他說歐洲是新的中心,因為焦點轉移到了中國。 (訂閱:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)

  1. If there actually IS a God? Maybe he, she or it has bestowed upon us this opportunity to reassess humankind's place on this earth and initiate a major adjustment in our attitudes toward each other and the environment we all share with every other living thing on this planet. Personally, I think God's wasting his, her or its time.

  2. Too much of meat eating and non intake of medicinal spices is what made european people low on immune and easily get catched with infection. Though it's controversial but extremely clean leaving thereby skipping development of natural resistance of human body, is also responsible for making their bodies vulnerable to infection.

  3. Europeans & Americans are stubborn to use face mask for precautions ignoring Corona virus spreading. If goes that way they will suffer much ?

  4. Yes, precisely because they knowingly and willingly ENABLED this to happen.

    COMMUNIST China has dealt with this infinitely better, while still being at the epicenter, even though they brazenly treat their citizens like cattle.

    What does this tell you about Western governments / corporate media? Do you honestly believe that they care about European lives? Time to question what you think you know.

  5. sorry but Europe is showing to be a deception, I thought they were advinced first world with better medical facilities but they proving to be way beyond Asia where China with a enormous population of over 1,5 billion dealt way better with thte situation

  6. There comes a time
    When we heed a certain call
    When the world must come together as one
    There are people dying
    Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
    The greatest gift of all

    We can't go on
    Pretending day-by-day
    That someone, somewhere soon make a change
    We're all a part of God's great big family
    And the truth, you know, love is all we need

    We are the world
    We are the children
    We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
    There's a choice we're making
    We're saving our own lives
    It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

    Oh, send them your heart
    So they know that someone cares
    And their lives will be stronger and free
    As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
    And so we all must lend a helping hand

    We are the world
    We are the children
    We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
    Oh, there's a choice we're making
    We're saving our own lives
    It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

    When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
    But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
    Well, well, well, well let us realize
    Oh, that a change can only come
    When we stand together as one, yeah, yeah, yeah

    We are the world
    We are the children
    We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
    There's a choice we're making
    We're saving our own lives
    It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

  7. Just dont send your kids to school!! Who would OBEY that crazy decision? Rest of the planet closed schools and the U.K keeps the, open? They may have a real trouble with a trip to the reality room thT they are about to take.

  8. Hope all get well soon I would like to share here is please try to drink some herbal tea,just make your own at home,get them from Asian store or any powder product.
    Ginger,Tumeric,curcuma,lemongrass,cinnamon one tea spoon each
    Boiled with 3-4 cup of water and drink every morning and evening this will get you strong immune system ,I did this everyday in Indonesia and very rare to catch a cold or flu, God Bless you all.

  9. China was forcing every country on the planet to accept his dictatorship and everybody must abide to it…..if we want to make same cash with the Chinese.
    Now is clear to all that the dictatorship that treat people like slave does make the ""Made in China"" items cheap BUT THERE IS A PRICE TO PAY in dealing with a criminal goverment.

  10. Meanwhile,in the same period,over 300,000 have died of Tuberculosis,about 150,000 from HIV and,about 100,000 from Flu.Where are the the doom-mongers on these appalling figures?Coronavirus is extremely contagious but it is not the threat it』s being made out to be.There』s a deeper plot going on.Basically,to get more money and take away more freedoms from you.

  11. The UK has crazy politicians… Thousands mingling in very close proximity everyday, in every school and then going into every community. I can't think of a more effective way to transfer this virus to ever corner of the country.


    Alas! A new plague, a new virus!
    Alas! Again the death toll will roll.
    Alas! Helpless is every homeless.
    Alas! A tragic dance on the Titanic.
    Alas! Again: hypocrisy great again!
    Heil! In the dusk no need for a mask.
    Heil! Silence is the essence.
    Heil! Meditation, not espiation.
    Heil! A knife to cut the gist of life.
    Heil! Joyful wings to raise above the maze.

    HELLO, HI! (A science fiction tale)

    I'm Spike C. Ovid and I was born in Somewhere in 2019.
    Yes I'm the one you would have never wanted to hear from. Don't panic. I'm not the evil one; I'm here because I only want to live; just like you.

    Let me tell you straightaway: this will be a tough match; although I'm invisible to the naked eye, you're not easily gullible: you have science and technology and sometimes common sense and even a spirit of brotherhood.

    I want to be really outspoken: my best weapons in this battle are:

    your fears, your selfishness, your clinging to private wealth, your individualism and narcissism, as well as your conflicting political, religious, and ethnic identifications.

    Please don't play the indignant card; just remember that you are here, by chance, because a meteorite hit this planet and wiped out dinosaurs; but soon after that you wiped out the Neanderthals and so many other species later on, including your own kind.

    I』ve already told you, I won't be hypocrite! I want you to work for me, free. I'm copying this from you. However the final price for this tug of war will only be something you don't care so much for:


    Why did I write you this letter?
    Let』s make a deal to end this clash!
    Hand a continent, at your choice, over to me.
    There I will do whatever I want;
    just like you』ve always done all over the place.

    A fair agreement: no more fear, no more casualties, on both sides.
    Please, let me know as soon as possible: I』m becoming viral.

    Good luck!

    Remember that I was born to dominate: I was born krowned!

  13. Blessings on all concerned… "Oh Lord, my God…" "Armed with the power of Thy name nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy love in my heart all the world's afflictions can in no wise alarm me." ~ Baha'i Prayer

  14. uk is full of arrogant fools, mark my words they will get wrecked hard! the moment you think you can out smart the virus is the moment you lose! virus is too smart for this politician fools

  15. Kids this is very serious it』s not a joke ITS A OUT BREAK you have to protect ur self especially adults cause they could die easily cause the virus is very bad for adults and older people to and kids might have a hard time having it the illnesses is very bad

  16. Only South Korea, Switzerland, and Germany have a good handle on how many cases there are. These places will be known among the safest places to live in the era of future outbreaks. The rest of the world needs to learn from them.


  18. Im in the uk. Our government has decided to go for the herd immunity solution. The public do not support this. Do not come to the uk. We are the next epicenter. Next week we will be worse off than Italy. We will loose atleast 200000 people . And thats if the estimations are correct.

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