

  1. This system seems over complicated…..stop that rng shit in Raids! Its kind of okish in mythic+ cause you can spam them. Also this corruption effects sucks for casters. You can prepare and get used to the timers and moves which bosses do. But with that system you have to pay attention all day and can´t plan/pool for moving. The new raid seems not like an easy one, some one shot mechanics and strong dps/heal checks plus some heavy movement fights.

    This system looks really bad for people who like to play again retail. Which screws the plan that classic and retail get played together.

  2. It just sounds to me that the game is getting way to complicated for casual players, when your in a guild on a low server and only a few people are raiding Mythic s and you have to try to figure out every little nuance of the game on your own it gets to overwhelming and you are just stuck doing what little you can to try to force yourself to enjoy the game.

  3. lol they need to make gear like diablo 2. everyone can get anything, but you farm for that perfect roll. still they are streamlining everything so that everyone will look the same and follow the same path. if everyone is going to look the same, ATLEAST have some kinda variation in stats -_-. people complaining about balancing everything is whats ruining the game. its causing everything to be streamlined and very vanilla.

    in diablo 2 everyone was uniquely overpowered and can still kill each other. barely any patches and look how great that game is. i bet you a remastered diablo 2 will get ATLEAST 5 dollar subs/month with only a smalllll fraction of the cost compared to wow.

  4. This patch with its corruption system looks tiring only watching it. What degenerate comes up with this crap. Same garbage like benthic, just in a different way. If not even more so because it constantly annoys and punishes the player. Am i in some BDSM dungeon or what. I rather put a dagger in my heart and end the misery than playing this. And seriously? lvl 400, 410 and 415 itemlevel? Who the hell cares about this kind of itemlevel… And who even is so masochistic playing and equipping alts in this expansion, especially combined with the abyssmal class design and these azerite and essence systems.

  5. you're so wrong, random rng affects added to items should NOT be massively gamechanging, this system is going to ruin the patch if so. Parsing will literalyl be impossible because some kids going to get lucky and get full best in slot corrupted gear and be doing 300% more damage than some kid with only one or two pieces.

  6. Why do they have something against buying gear? Is there no effort going into obtaining gold? Playing the AH is legitimate gameplay for some players

  7. One thing that I dislike from the game is that every player expects u to play perfect in a dungeon or raid. Like you don』t have a life outside of WoW

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