

「今天,我正式宣布全國緊急狀態。 「兩個非常重要的詞,」他周五在白宮玫瑰花園外對記者說。




#GlobalNews #Coronvirus #DonaldTrump。

  1. Google is attempting to design a program and will start with the Bay Area.?
    Trump doesn't want you to go rush out tho, he said everybody don't need to take the "Test"

  2. The parallels between then and now aren』t perfect. But they aren』t far apart either. For lawmakers who were there during the autumn of 2008 the most important difference is the most obvious: Trump. 

    「The crisis atmosphere seems similar. The inability of the president to provide any real leadership is different,」 said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) shortly after a midnight vote on Saturday to approve the coronavirus legislation. 「I disagreed vigorously with the Bush administration, but at least the president led and worked with his team on this. We're here at this hour, in large measure, because Donald Trump's provided no leadership, just obstruction.」

  3. So now in addition to your metadata/DNA ? info being sold when you submit one of those 「ancestry kits」 where you swab your cheek, but the US government will have it in their database- aka 「flu surveillance system」

  4. Seriously, he doesn』t look well- that』s not normal spray tan, that』s heavy layers of foundation- typically that amount of foundation is reserved for corpses

  5. This is the beginning of the New World Order, prepare for it. Only the wise, if any, will make it to the greater society.

  6. Trump is the worst guy to be president. Stupid and without saying the truth. In an other video he said: "America has got the best health system" If that was true haha. Most of the people can't even afford to do the coronavirus test because they havent got money to pay for it and there is no system to do so. Also they have very few beds and bad clinics. He claims things that aren't true. And since Trump is against scientists he stopped paying them money and that's why they don't even can find a cure like a vaccine. He even wants to buy the patent on an german company looking for a vaccine. Trump has got no idea about the world. Maybe about money but that helps nobody.

  7. 「When you compare what we done to other parts of the world」 shut the frick up, testing is like 3000$ and y』all not doing enough of it. South Korea tested like 10000 people a week and contained it basically within a couple of months. Stop trying to make America look better it』s not

  8. We are all talking about how to protect ourselves from the virus externally, no one is talking about immunity. If the immunity is good, virus cannot attack the individual is what I think.

    I believe one can improve immunity by turning to vegetarian diet, millet consumption and ayurvedic drinks.

    Pharma cos just want to come up with a new vaccine. How much of chemicals do we need in our bodies

  9. 40:00 the cocaine started kicking in. He knows damn well no one called the swine flu a hoax and wasted time. He's going to use the way other outbreaks were handled to cover his screwups until the day he dies.

  10. What about the rest of the world who do not have up to these resources in the USA…bottom Line I REALY THINK WE ALL SHOULD GET RIGHT WITH GOD AND ASK FOR MERCY TO STOP THESE VIRUS AND ANY OTHER ONE HAPPENING AGAIN IN FUTURE….

  11. Speaking as a non-Obama supporter: I just want to clarify that H1N1 was actually not a "disaster" for Obama. That was another false statement from Trump. Even Rep. Michael Burgess, a Republican from Texas, praised the CDC at a House hearing in 2016 for quickly developing a vaccine for the swine flu in about six months — in time for the start of the school year in September 2009. 「So that』s a 6-month time frame if I』m doing my math correctly that you were able to identify the genetic sequence of the virus, reverse engineer a vaccine, test it, assure its safety and efficacy, and get it to school teachers on the second week of school. That』s pretty impressive,」 he said. Less than 13,000 people ending up dying, which is actually right in the average range of normal flu seasons. On Trump's watch, 80,000 people died of flu JUST in the winter of 2017-18. So don't take what Trump says as any kind of truth.

  12. What happens if you are tested positive at the drive through, will there be security guards there to take you to the quarantine cell ?

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