快點加入8.3! Mains&Alts-Raid,Mythic +和追趕| 8.3版更新指南!




Mythic Plus縮放:https://www.wowhead.com/news=296388/base-mythic-dungeons-scaling-increaseded-to-45-to-season-4-on-8-3-ptr





  1. 2 fast get 400 item level on slots you miss, you could snipe out the first boss of dungeons, on normal as tank or healer you could do the first boss repeatedly fast, espespecially Til Dagor and Atal Dazar. maybe there's even a good trinkint from the second boss. Consider bothering your mates if you are a DPS. You can also snipe out once A day the heroics for 415 loots ?

  2. if i still havent done my war campaign stuff from forever is it even worth playing? basically bfa came out and i didnt like it and stopped playing all together, think my toon is around i lvl 415 or something

  3. The gearing for 8.3 is fantastic and i enjoy the content – BUT once again essences are stopping me from progressing with an alt, they are so incredibly time consuming i would rather raid or do m+ instead of grinding old zones or content ive already done on my main, really good system but very poorly introduced into the game not making it account bound

  4. I get that this patch 8.3 is good for alts but how is the essences going to work you are still going to have to rep grind all the other zones to get the essences ?

  5. Thanks for this informative video I've been watching vids about 8.3 cuz now I've got 6 120s and I have been looking for a way to gear em when 8.3 launches. None of the videos I've watched have mentioned this black empire gear and I'm very glad it's going to be in the game. Loved timeless isle so should be fun!

  6. Removes Titanforging and adds Corruptionforging that is 10x more rng than the titanforging… dafq why the fuck am i doing mythic 10 when in a few days mythic 0 will give as the same gear… wtf

  7. What is the weekly checklist outside raid going to look like for mythic raiders?

    Ideally to re-sub I would like to spend at most 5-10 hours outside raid each week playing and that wasn't even close to viable last tier between benthic gear and AP essences giving huge throughput.

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