
Google數據中心運營副總裁Joe Kava參觀了Google數據中心,並分享了有關Google基礎架構的安全性,可持續性和核心架構的詳細信息。 。

  1. I once had a dream in which I was riding around a leafy google campus with well manicured lawns on one of those google bicycles. I woke up convinced that if each of us has a customized heaven waiting for them in the afterlife, this is what mine must look like. For context, I』m from Uganda and have lived here my whole life

  2. Your "computers" will soon become the purveyors of your global consciousness. So easy to tap into your "digital" systems! We don't need to examine your minds; every joy, fear and emotion is recorded for our perusal. And when we come here to live, you humans will fall without a single shot being fired by us.

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