從長時間的Android用戶切換到iPhone 11

我從OnePlus 6T切換到了新的iPhone 11。

  1. It's just that all the iPhone features are 3 years behind Android. Wide angle lens? My LG V20 has had that for the last 3 years. 64 GB storage? My Samsung Note 6 had that six years ago! I'm thinking of switching because (1) while Android has all the features on paper, most of them don't work in practice, and (2) Google's business model is to literally monetize its users' privacy. I just wish there were another viable option other than Apple or Google.

  2. I started looking for these "android to iphone 11" because I recently switched over from a OnePlus 5T to an iPhone 11.

    I was very disappointed on the second day when I started to download my apps and transfer my data only to find WhatsApp messages cannot be transferred between the two OS's –– This may not be Apple's/Google's fault but still very irritating -____-'

    One genuine disappointment is that the multi-tasking experience is really poor. The phone can't perform split-screen (using two apps on the screen at the same time) which also includes having Facetime/video calling app open in the background while you do something else on the phone. Very, very disappointing especially as it's the most powerful chip (A13) they have ever released on an iPhone. My OnePlus 5T, released two and a half years ago, can do this!

    The iPhone feels fantastic in the hand as it's got some heavy weight to it (compared to my lightweight 5T).
    The camera is fantastic but I haven't taken it for a real-life spin, apart from FaceTime.
    The speakers are amazing! You get the bottom firing ones and the speaker at the top to give you a great sound experience.
    I also really like that they show battery health information though I'm curious to know the accuracy of the figure Apple provides.
    Apps are well optimised – People take this for granted often and it's often not highlighted with importance but it's a huge positive advantage over androids.

    I'm a little apprehensive that I can get to the level of organisation I had when I used my android but I'm stuck with this iPhone for at least two years so wish me luck hahah

  3. "mms is terrible"! Wtf? Why am I watching this? Who uses this?
    BTW… Video from iPhone looks like shit… Like your Canon. It's not focused properly. Your welcome.

  4. Nice review I'm also a long time android user and planning to switch to iPhone 11 with airpods with apple watch with iPad pro so bye android

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