如何紮根Android汽車立體聲// Eonon GA6165



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  1. Always nice to see people contributing. That's what makes Android a wonderful OS. However, you should probably add a disclaimer that running this app "could" do damage to the OS, requiring a reinstall of the stock OS. It might also "Brick" the unit if things go south. As a previous Senior Moderator on XDA Developers, I can say this does happen sometimes. So You Do This at Your Own Risk ! What Kingo One Click does, is attempts numerous known root hacks until one is successful. It's basically an app containing a group of methods, most of which were taken from XDA devs. Also people should be aware that it installs a couple of other apps like SuperUser and BusyBox. One of the "Must Have" apps after getting root access, is Viper4Android. This will bring the audio to a whole new level. Thanks for the video!

  2. Hey man, Do you know of an updated version to root a GA9165 eonon head unit with android 8.0 Oreo OS? It failed and I got an error code when the 「one click root」 step finished

  3. Hi does this come with a gps sd card? I also put my stereo in and tried to connect to my phones hotspot as a WiFi source and it says connected but once I try to use the waze app. Says gps not working.

  4. I』m trying to use Bluetooth to connect my JB4 to my Eonon wirelessly, but it won』t connect. I』ve read that the Eonon doesn』t connect with BLE devices…is this true? If so, is there any way I can connect these by changing a setting or something? Thank you!

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