夠了嗎? 8.3版修補程序中的「精磨細末」 |魔獸世界


  1. Why does the modern day WoW community everything handed to them without effort? You're just killing content and getting burned out faster.

  2. worst is that some PVP essences are extremely good for PVP and I absolutely hate PVP, especially arena. Its boring and I never cared much. However, I need to play arena for weeks in order to get that shit or I just feel that I am not at my full potential, etc.
    Damn you Blizz! I thought that they have learned from the past to not force PVP players into playing PvE and vice versa.

  3. I reinstalled SwToR because I can't stomach grinding essences on my alts and I'm a huge altoholic. I will literally play another game to not grind more crap for WoW. Essences and the grind for them should find a dust bin and stay there. Permanently.

  4. Time-gated catch-up mechanics forbid you to play anything but your main. Big fail from blizzard. Big BIG fail. But BFA is hating on alts anyways… so no wonders. They wonder why players run away weeks after new patches… for sure if you get everything done and then can choose to do the same damn boring ass shit with your alt, you play something else.

  5. Ive decided that my BIS are blood of the enemy and crucible of flame, simply because one is easy to get and the other is inheritable. last slot will possibly go to focusing iris or vision of perfection depending on how easy it is to accquire once mechagon is split into two.

  6. Trying to grind BotE for the 2nd time as a non-pvp'er has me fucking dead. I want to play WoW, but WoW is continually trying to make me consider other stuff.

  7. Essences should be accountwide. Reputation (with some certain exceptions) too. Grinding stuff again and again is really frustrating. I do not understand why Blizzard seems to think grinding is fun.

  8. Really wanted to play mt alt Rogue this next patch but I have 0 interest to grind all that again (even with the reductions). Really terrible news for me since I'm not enjoying DH that much =(

  9. Blood of the enermy would be best to be account wide cause of so much grind. But an overall Good alt friendly Solution would be half the requirements for the essences you already gotten on another charactor.

  10. No catch up is a good thing only if you aren』t inflating our numbers (for whatever reason) by 15% every patch because 「our numbers say players like that」 -ion circa warlords QnA

  11. I have the warning box "You have an unused essence slot". I wish there was a way to shut this off its annoying, and keeps popping up. I'm not getting any essences, although I did get level 20 on the pet giving nazjatar ally so maybe I can get one.

  12. 16 days to Rank 3 Naz essences is still too much effort. I don't want to do body guard world quests. bodyguards are a pain in the butt, always in the way and always keeping you in combat. And I'm tired of the zone. Essences need to be account wide. Period. Nothing you describe here makes me excited in the least.

  13. Seems like once you unlock the rank 3 on your main, there should be a significant reduction of required rep/resources/etc for your alts imo. I can see the argument both ways, but even acquiring the necessary essences on one dedicated alt is incredibly time consuming. All I want to do is chain run m+, not grind rep for the fish goblins that I've already done on 4 toons.

  14. I run 6 characters on a weekly/daily basis and the Essence system is just a nightmare of a grind for alts. I have several more alts I would love to work on but get deterred due to the time gates. When 8.3 rolls around I am more than likely to focus on my main character and not touch my other characters for the next 3-4 weeks. An account wide unlock would be awesome or make it where I can buy all the ones I have unlocked with TR.

  15. I bascially ignore the essence system just like at start of bfa ignored the leveling up of the hearth with gettin azerite. And ill automaticallly remove all corruption on items if i can afford it.

  16. It』s not enough, the essence system is the biggest horseshit blizzard has cock blocked players with. Even catchup mechanics are still shitty. Make rep account bound. Make essences account bound. There is your catchup

  17. Seems like all the artifacts need to just be converted to an heirloom-type system, at least once this expasion is history. Artifacts have been so unexciting. I miss good ol, finding new weapons and armor pieces.

  18. Not sure if this was mentioned or not but don't buy all the spec essences at once, they cost the same. If you buy one w/mana pearls, put it in your necklace & go back to the vendor, an alternate spec for the same rank is cheaper than the first you bought.

  19. I'm 100% fine with long, tedious grinds………..if I only have to do them ONCE. As someone who frequently swaps between alts for variety and to help where I'm needed, getting exalted (or even revered) and power grinding (besides gear) and EVERY single one is a serious mood killer.
    I would really like to see things like rep and expansion-specific features (like essences) given depth and made harder to obtain, but once unlocked, is available to your account forever. You know how much LONGER I would play with that in mind?

  20. Yep, I agree with everything you said. The only reason I don't enjoy wow right now is because I can't play my alts properly without grinding for hours and hours… Time better spent elsewhere, on other games perhaps.. 🙂

  21. They should have just made them unlock for all your characters or at the very least, make them BoA.

    They said this expansion was going to be better than Legion for alts. Instead, it's worse. At least I had some interesting class stuff in Legion.

  22. I think they are doing it as a time sync nothing to till 8.3 and if a class becomes op for the new raid they don't want people to use a boost and just thunder gun it

  23. Mechagon currencies are easy as shit to get honestly. And if you do it right transferable between toons. All you gotta do is the spare parts… do the daily turn in and voila you get currency needed… peeps need to quit bitching bout how hard it is….

  24. Essence system as it is = garbage. If i want my BiS essences its such a heavy grind and its in content that i dont enjoy. Yes, they need essences account wide im unfotunately an altoholic and it drives me crazy to the point of quitting the game to do these grinds for essences.

  25. Not having account-wide essences is just plain dumb. Not only from a gameplay perspective, but from monetary value as well. I can see myself playing more, on my alts, if it weren't for the obnoxious grind. And we thought Azerite grind was bad enough. Make it neck level 80 quest. You would always have to work your way to rank 1 essence, but for rank 3, get a rank 2. And only for rank 4's there should be rank 3's available to alts. These is difficult enough to obtain, alts are still decently playable with rank 2's. And if you can't manage getting r4's, you will have to farm on your alt anyway. It would actually motivate people to play more on their mains and make alts that much more enjoyable experience. Instead of locking it behind artificial timegate.

  26. Soooo people complain about there being no progression systems like there are in classic, yet we're complaining about doing these grinds? Personally, I agree with you, just seems a little inconsistent.

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