魔獸世界練級方同步漏洞的解釋,BFA 8.2.5-8.3





/運行本地f = CreateFrame(「 Frame」)f:RegisterEvent(「 PLAYER_CAMPING」)f:SetScript(「 OnEvent」,function()local p = StaticPopup_Visible(「 CAMP」)_ G[p..”Button1″]:Click()end)。

  1. It looks very much like they've fixed the ability to redo quests constantly in party sync mode. I did my DK to 120 with just Elwynn forest and I'm not able to do that with my Monk.

  2. Didn't tried yet, but when you Sync with a low lvl Character you also lose your skills from talents (based on the lvl you will be at). Don't know if you could still solo rares like these (or do it so fast as it seems). Maybe on starting zones the changes aren't so drastic and you could solo without problems, but I tried on Pandaria with a lvl 86 synced and couldn't.

  3. This doesn't work for me too well. Half of the quests doesn't work, for example I pick up a quest when in party sync, cancel ps, either do the objective and almost do it and when I ps again to turn it the quest or even finish the objective, the quest is locked. My quests keep either looping or does not appear the NPC's. Any idea what's going on? 🙁

  4. Hello Archvaldor just for my points of interest, if i subscribe on your patreon is there a guide to make insane amounts of gold without multiple accounts? I want to farm the 5 million gold mount .

  5. hmm Blizz not gonna be happy…..as im not had to come to see why i was fighting 2 level 120s from same guild ilvl 304 and 444 and im 111 and 182 around i was getting 1 shotted glad to to see this is why thnx so its away of cheating correct?//////exploit??? btw i was in bg

  6. Can you replay DK starting experience when party synced with fresh DK? I remember those quest gave a nice chunk of xp.

  7. With Party Sync, War Mode, the 15th anniversary exp buff, and heirlooms (no rings) I was getting around 56k exp per quest from doing the quests where you kill the 6 wolves and the 8 orcs. After that it dropped, but it's still a large lump of exp.

  8. i have 49 chars on lvl 120 1 on lvl 22
    from lvl 110 to lvl 120 i need 2h of av event.
    Farming mobs to lvl is nothing for me thats why i played black dessert only a hour or so. So i will level my last non 120 char just with quest till 61 and then av event till 120.
    After that i will have to think which of my 120 to delete to be able to lvl a vulpera…

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