帶有Chimera的tVOS 12.4上的越獄Apple TV 4! iOS 12.4 NO 4K(KODI和更多)

如何越獄Apple TV 4 tvOS 12.4否適用於NitoTV,KODI等的4K Chimera越獄iOS 12.4。亞視第四代下載和步驟在這裡:➡️https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-tvos-12.4/

請注意,這不支持Apple TV 4K。這僅支持tvOS 12.4和Apple TV 4G。請繼續關注更多Apple TV越獄指南,包括有關KODI,nitoTV和其他Apple TV 4越獄調整的信息。

— — — — —您需要的一切— — — — —

▶︎如何越獄12.4 A7-A11:

▶︎前75個iOS 12.4調整項:


iOS 12.4 Jailbreak for A12 Released – How to Jailbreak!

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的結尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. This method don't work. When I start to install from Impactor…
    Error: file: provision.cpp; line: 81; what: ios/listDevices =3018 Please update to Xcode 7.3 or later to continue developing with your Apple ID.

  2. I keep getting this error message from impactor after putting in the one time apple password . file: lockdown.cpp; line: 84; what: LOCKDOWN_E_INVALID_SERVICE . what should I do?????

  3. Well to make my day even worse i find out my apple tv has auto updates on. Idk when it turned itself back on but it really pisses me off how apple locks you out.

  4. do I use 1.3.6 for my Apple TV or 1.3.4 like you have? I'm currently on 12.4. impactor gives me an error saying the app isn't built for this family…im confused
    FACEPALM feeling like an a** I realized what I did, I fixed it

  5. as an FYI, I have successfully managed to jailbreak my AppleTV 4K 5th gen on 12.4 by sideloading Chimera using XCode (Mac Required) – Got Kodi running in sweet 4K right now 🙂

  6. I have a problem -after fighting with the program for over 2 hours, due to having to make a dummy account, it now goes through the program and gives me an error message which basically says I have to be a developer. Tried to do that but get a message saying that my two factor authentication is not set up but it』s turned on, what am I doing wrong? I』m so frustrated right now.

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