


#Coronavirus#Covid19 #dwNews。

  1. Hilarious, religious places and gatherings are the most danger to infection spreading. Oh the irony. But wait they say, can't we just pray the baddies away? I'm sure if you pray hard enough the imaginary beings you concoct up will help out. Either way, you'll still thank your imaginary beings if you just fluked out on the survival. Hu hu.

  2. !!!Avoid any contact, touch, or shared items! Please declare widely. This
    is a warning reproduced by the Chinese people with out infected. This
    is what the Chinese experts have concealed. Doctors are all wrong in
    wash hands rather than insulate hands.;

  3. Here in the USA seniors, under President Trump』s care, are valued. My ❤️ breaks for those around the world whose governments see them as not worthy of the care they need.

  4. UK has the right policy. The economic impact will be far greater than the virus impact, and flattening the curve of infections is what will happen in the UK. Europe will see an uncontrollable spike in two weeks when everyone floods back to school and bars open AT THE PEAK OF THE VIRUS SPREAD!

  5. Why does Chinese people like to eat weird food? Is there not enough food in this world? Why eat bats, cats, dogs, mice, snakes and so on? WHO and the world should enact a world law to ban such foods

  6. UK has experienced so many plagues for so many centuries….. let the plague take its toll. The healthy live to bury the dead…. and the dead don』t complain .

  7. Infected person won't show immediate symptoms after at least 5days, therefore if imperative that you wear face covering not so much to keep the virus in but to keep the virus out. Use face coverings as precautions, use water resistant cloth and eyes goggle if you dont have medical masks. Wash hands often, avoid touching face nose and eyes, use wrists elbows if you want to touch something, wash hands after handling cash. If you are elderly or having pre existing conditions, you are most at risks, so practice social distancing. Please please share this message and stay safe every one.

  8. The media created this crisis and are making million's reporting about it! Remember 56,000 flu deaths in Europe, Coronavirus deaths not even 10% of that total. This panic is all manufactured!

  9. As far as I can deduce it, the truth that few realise but a lot aren't unable to see – or don't really want to see – is that we are going to lose our grand parents and the wisdom of older people.
    The vaccine won't reach in time for the southern hemisphere, and in the northern it would only make it for the wealth ones, and eventually for some of the others – maybe the ones considered 'essential' for the economy.

  10. The government wants us to behave like we did during the blitz…..Hang on though…..They do realize we sent the kids away for their own protection don't they?…..CLOSE THE F*****G SCHOOLS THEN AND STOP LISTENING TO THE NOW DISCREDITED DOCTORS OF DEATH WHITTY AND VALLANCE!….

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