






  1. In the name of food and for health, you people eat everything without considering whether it is good for humanity or not. its results of your nonsense food habits. learn from Indian people who are mostly vegetarian and love & respect the nature.

  2. its a result of exploitation of nature. So called highly developed countries are in major trouble. Your inventions are nothing but a curse on humanity you are greedy fellows, who don't respect nature. Learn from something from Indian values which respect nature .

  3. [To deal with coronavirus in East Asia.]

    In China, Chinese government silently kills people.
    In Japan, Japanese government is expecting people would be killed silently.
    In North Korea, Kim Jeong-Un prisonizes people to be silently killed in concentration camps.
    In South Korea, South Korean government is not going to let a patient die with a police tracing system and enforces him to be pushed into a hospital even though the patient wants to commit suicide.

  4. Too late .for arrogant ignorant pretentious western countries to underestimate this evil virus..just look at those foolish french or Americans during last sunday gathering in masses..omg

  5. Ok let's get a little perspective on the piles of B.S. being shoveled out across the globe regarding this fake viral "outbreak" shall we? 745,000 people die every year from the common flu yet there has never been a emegency declared anywhere on the face of the earth by the CDC in the entire history of the CDC or the flu. 1,660 people die in just the U.S. EVERY DAY from cancer related illness globally over 1.5 million yet still no emergency declared. Now we have an allegedly deadly virus that has reportedly killed how many a day? No one knows because it's b.s. but if you tally the death tolls from the media you will come up with a grand total of less than 2 a day….2 hu? So to put that into perspective for the mentally deficient if 750,000 people die from the common flu that gives you a death toll of roughly 2,054 people a day verse 2 from this killer fake virus. I know it's fake because that strain has been around for 30 year's. It has never jumped or gained strength EVER and has never killed anyone who wasn't already dying of something horrible anyway. This is a completely fabricated story being spread by the world goverments to slowly envoke Marshall law. Why? Who the hell knows but you can bet the average Joe and Jane better lube up cause we are all about to get fcked by out respective governments if we do not DEMAND the real reasoning behind this GLOBAL military build up.

  6. Really is very sad ?
    But Kashmir locked down since 5'th August 2019.
    No one think ? about
    Try to think and talk about Kashmir world wide and I hope God will relief from Corona soon

  7. 03/16/2020
    The Lord is coming soon, morning or night or noon, Many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound
    All of the dead shall rise, righteous meet in the skies, Going where no one dies, heavenward bound
    Troubles will soon end and happy forevermore.. When we meet on that shore, free from all care.
    Rising up in the sky, telling this world goodbye, Homeward we then shall fly, glory to share our peace and love.. Trouble times are here, filling men's hearts with fear,
    Freedom we all hold, Humbling your hearts to God saves us
    from the chastening rod
    Seek the way pilgrims trod,
    All Faithful awake..

  8. Canada does not close border with US. Reason given are the same as those between countries in Europe, but countries in Europe are closing borders. When do governments wake up and learn.

  9. In the U.S. alone, bad driving kills approximately 30,000 per year. Yet, strangely, we haven't quarantined idiots. Be safe out there- ride a tricycle.

  10. The ultra modern, tech driven world should understand that, it just took a simple virus for the world to get back to the cocoo. Nothing in the 21st century could tackle the situation. Human beings loves materials more than there fellow beings. God is replaced with science and technology, but God is Sovereign and the decision maker of events of the world. "Jesus is coming back".

  11. The UK's screwed, the government wont close the borders and the leader of the opposition is too clueless to call them out on it. Corbyn probably thinks that would be racist.

  12. All you lefty global warming activist must be in euphoria right now with all these vehicles and planes not moving. The corona is the best thing that happened to the environment!! lol

  13. Buckle up everyone it』s going to get ugly! Best advice DO NOT CAUSE A PANIC! Toilet paper is not a cure! Put a STOP TO HOARDERS OR OVER BUYING! Quarantine is not going to STOP it! It will slow it down because hospitals cannot be over crowded. There won』t be enough ventilators! That』s the big issue.

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