
8.3版中的無限特徵已被廢棄! 8.3不再需要巨大的AP研磨了,值得慶祝!

  1. with all my respect i couldn't find the answers in your video you just talk too much with no points are made, all I want to know is how to get level 55 instantly on my alts like is there a quest line? cuz I'm exalted on my main with Champions of Azeroth

  2. The best gear for raiding should come from raids. The best gear for m+ should come from m+. The best gear for pvp should come from pvp. Stop forcing people who want to be competitive in one of these areas to have to do the others. The day I never have to do m+ again without hurting my raid team will be amazing.

  3. They need to stop creating weird systems like this that are only contained within 1 expansion or, in this case, will only exist for 8.3, maybe 8.4 if that ever exists, only to disappear again in 9.0. There needs to be some semblance of permanence that we carry forward. I say they make Professions as important as they were up until MOP.

  4. They're changing one grind for another … This is going on for years now and they will never learn. It's just worded that way to stop the hemorraging of subscriptions…

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