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  1. Yes, of course we should not panic. But let』s be aware – the Trump Admin is way in over their head, we』re behind on fighting this, we rejected a perfectly fine test from Germany so we』re severely short, and lots of people are going to get sick and die. This will impact all of us. It could be 18 months before we have vaccine. I think some fear and concern is healthy. Let』s not pretend everything is going to be OK. It』s not going to be OK for a lot of Americans. Maybe we can grow up as a country and accept that something bad is about happen.

  2. In Croatia gaherings with more than 100 people are forbidden. Schools are shut down from this Monday (March the 16th) for at least two weeks, possibly even more. I think my country is doing its best

  3. Want more tests, demand it from China. You should treat this as the Flu in terms of prevention. Thanks for pushing the panic and hysteria.

  4. I finally got the courage to speakout about my possible eating disorder… I went to make an appointment with the GP, but got refused as the receptionist said 「we can』t give you an appointment at the moment due to the current situation」. Yes I understand that covid19 is more important at this point, but in a few days, I might want to keep it secret again…

  5. There's something that I'd like to point out, since the virus spreads even when you're asymptomatic, more countries should adopt universal mask wearing. It is a very large reason why countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan still have relatively low numbers of cases despite being the closest to China. It limits the spread of the virus even when the person doesn't know they're sick.

  6. Hey I just want to say thank you for what you're doing to inform everyone, and keep public panic to a minimum. I have a question that I feel would be very helpful for anyone infected or that knows someone infected. I'm wondering what symptoms of Covid-19 cause lethal outcomes in patients and what preventative measures or treatments can be taken to prevent or reduce deaths of individuals infected by Covid-19, as well as at what point should someone with a serious case seek medical aid.

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