Dale Jr.下載:Bubba Wallace與Alex Bowman解釋了仇恨

NASCAR車手巴巴·華萊士(Bubba Wallace)花時間充分解釋是什麼原因導致了同車手亞歷克斯·鮑曼(Alex Bowman)的飛奔,賽道的試車,他對夏洛特(Charlotte)發生的「水瓶大屠殺」感到唯一的遺憾,以及最新一集Dale Jr.下載。 。

  1. Its not a fued if you』re a lap car vs a front runner. Bubba is not mentally fit to drive in cup level being so immature and sounds crazy whenever he talks. He has false confidence in himself or his ability to race with the top 15 drivers every week. When you have a 「I』m the fastest」 or 「I』m the best of the best」 mentality, it』ll showup in your car setup and on track. He』s always a lap down in every race, gets a lucky top 10 or 15 every now and then but always in mid pack or in the back. So this fued crap he has with Bowman is utterly ridiculous when Bowman laps him every week. Grow up first mentally and maybe he』ll start improving if he doesn』t lose his ride before then.

  2. I still wounded how his performance level would be if he was on a strong team. Is kinda of like what Kyle Larson is going thru with chip.

  3. I walked by and head nod to my gas man let's go. Why can't he go alone? My man is going for a Championship, I am 26th. Learn to drive BW. The Powerade throw while Bowman is down was a sissy move.

  4. Bubba didn't hear any more from Bowman at The Roval because Bowman took off and drove up to 2nd. Bubba seems to have a selective memory over what happens on the track.

  5. This guys a clown. As if he matters enough in any race to hold grudges against anyone. He's nothing more than a punk. I'm sure every other driver has they're Bubba story and how he messed them up or ran into them. Christ , he's wrecked enough equipment this year to last a lifetime. You can tell Jr thinks he's a clown.

  6. The one guy in the field that should be humble acts like he's got a resume like Kyle Busch. Keep calling out all those drivers by name see how that works for you tough guy. Dale you should have had a plate full of cheese to go with that wine.

  7. NASCAR long ago became too corporate and dull. Bubba, whether or not he ever becomes a top tier driver, puts some fun and personality back in the sport. We need more like him.

  8. Love how safe White people feel in NASCAR. Not speaking to every White fan, but you can really see the demographic in this comments section. There are other black drivers out there who wish they could be in Bubba's spot. The man has legitimate talent which is why he is in the position he is in today. He has wins in NASCAR's Truck series and great finishes in Xfinity. His position has nothing to do with diversity. If anything his privilege that comes from his white father having access to the sport is part of how he has been able to work his way to the point he is now in his career.

  9. I think Jr. Needs a new co host. His PR guy seems clueless about a lot and Jr. Needs a partner who has as many crazy stories as he has.

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