iOS 12.4越獄:如何降級,升級和JAILBREAK 12.4!

iOS 12.4升級降級和安裝教程!越獄並安裝Cydia Tweaks後恢復到12.4! Unc0ver&Chimera越獄實用程序將很快在iPhone X及更低版本上同時支持iOS 12.4(否A12)下載鏈接:

— —–視頻中提到的內容— —

1.如何越獄iOS 12.4!

2. A12越獄發布了嗎?收藏這!

3. iOS 12.4的主要調整:



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  1. Im running iOS 12.4.2, i』ll do this so i can jailbreak, when i restore the iPhone can i select to restore my backup instead of setting it up as a new phone and still do the jailbreak?

  2. so hear me out nd please give me som feed back bro im kinda i dowloaded the ipsw for 12.4 (i got iphone 7 12.3) i want to kno how to put that on my iphone from my computer(im thinking cydia impctor but i really dont kno ) now when id also like to kno if i do indeed get the 12.4 on my device if uncover or chimera will still work to jail break it (ps i have windows 7 sony viao if that matters)

  3. Hey, i´m on iOS 12.3.1 but i can not upgrade to 12.4. I get the same error code like by downgrading from an singed to an unsigned version. what can i do?

  4. Im using iphone 6 ios 12.1 and its jaibroken. I want to use 12.4.1. Can I upgrade in settings ? Its uncover and when I use the upgrade button its doesnt upgrade in settings. Im downloading ios 12.4.1 on itunes. am I need to back up for after the upgrading ?

  5. I jailbreaked on 12.1.2 and then bootlooped updated to iOS 12.3 and when I was on 12.1.2 I deleted the iOS update what should I do?

  6. Any help would be welcome, I was jailbroken on ios 11.4 beta and have updated to ios 12.4 through the iphone software update and re-installed the uncover jailbreak but have been trying for hours and each time it goes from 1/31 then 2/31 then very quickly goes all the way up to 8/31 and looks like it displays disable something but it resets too quickly to read.

    what could be causing this to happen? do I need to fully reset/restore the iphone for it to work or is there something I have missed like I have a IphoneX and have uncover 3.5.3 and just not getting any where.

  7. Had a big issue, I turned off find my iphone, performed a backup, shift clicked restore (as i got an error the first time) opened the ispw file and it began to restore to 12.4, somewhere along the line it had an error and now im stuck with the plug into computer icon and I do that, press restore and update and it won't do it for an unknown error so Im stuck with my phone in this "Plug into computer" mode for 7 hours now ive tried multiple times I need help as I have apps on my phone I really need. Thanks for anything you can do (i have latest itunes and have restarted etc)

  8. When I do a hard reset the tweaks and cydia are not working, I need to install cydia again and everything works back again. Anyone knows how to fix that issue?

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