冠狀病毒解釋:有什麼影響? – 英國廣播公司的新聞




  1. Wealthy elite fooks have mined the data and realised there time is up soon. They getting desperate, and enacting first phase of testing for public kill off.

  2. Thanks EU. Thanks Germany for stopping half a million masks that we Italians paid for! Europe is an absurd bullshit. No European country is helping Italy. The most sincere thanks go to China, which is helping us concretely and not with words.

  3. Call upon the name of the Lord. Repent and believe in Jesus. Lord have mercy on us especially who are and who will be affected . And who are struggling with it. In Jesus Name

  4. [To deal with coronavirus in East Asia.]

    In China, Chinese government silently kills people.
    In Japan, Japanese government is expecting people would be killed silently.
    In North Korea, Kim Jeong-Un prisonizes people to be silently killed in concentration camps.
    In South Korea, South Korean government is not going to let a patient die with a police tracing system and enforces him to be pushed into a hospital even though the patient wants to commit suicide.

  5. You rascal and arrogant… You guys think only about money, money and how to increase money…. It's a crisis and what the government of every country are doing is correct ATM. Be there in your own home British people are the most mediocre on Earth. What if the human race is wiped out fron this earth who will used all the money

  6. aware of this ). I surrender to the flow I surrender to the trust and timing How can I be of service today..great spirit Where do I go What do I do And What do I say. End

  7. 7 billion people and selfish stupid narsists still keep having too many babies…… maybe a pandemic might be the only thing to save the planet ? ( The world population has been halved many times in history when things got out of control , maybe it's time again ?)

  8. These people view humans as tools, to make profit. That』s all you are under a capitalist society…a drone that must be sacrificed to make more profit!!
    (I』m not a commie scum either btw)
    But we need to understand here that very corrupt and selfish people hold power in our country, and all over the world. They care little for us, and will make the policies accordingly

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