

  1. i hate the amount of effort they are making people do to get mounts now,like chances are i'm not gonna get any of these because i don't try hard at the start of an expac :l

  2. Do you think hunters are gonna be able to tame an Alpaca? … I really need one! Who wants to go to a realm of dead people without a cuddly soft fluffy alpaca!? ??

  3. Deathwing is my new favorite mount but like the cadh shop if I can』t use it to fly then it』s worthless because I don』t do quests do pathfinder is useless I raid snd pvp why can』t there be an alternate why to fly

  4. Couldn't care less about the bee mount, haven't even given thought to starting that stupid farm, but that swarmer and it's other color forms look awesome and way more worth it than that dumb bee. (and I main alliance)

  5. I think Blizz is being quite lazy with the Cloud Serpents. We already got like 15 variants of that 1. Think of something new instead Blizz.

  6. Uncorrupted Voidwing – I mean for fucks sake .. Void is void cause it is supposed to be empty … as in empty as you cannot imagine cause everytime you imagine something – its something therefore not void … how come there are elves, dragons and shit in it?

  7. Cloud serpents are one of my favorite mounts as well. Quick mention on re-used models: the worms as well as the mount for epic/elite shadowlands editions all share the cloud serpent skeleton afaik

  8. TBH I don't care if they redo every model aside from more horses (so tired of normal horses). The one thing I'm really watching is what are the requirements for pathfinder in shadowlands… will they bow to the wishes of players or will they pull the same shit making us wait a year to fly. So many cool flying mounts being added it would really stink to have them ground bound for a year after 9.0.

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