8.3版中Alts的新裝備趕上了! -PvP WoW:爭奪艾澤拉斯8.2


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. all i care about this entire patch is getting 410 for new LFR transmogs, since thats all i do now is alt and transmog and mount farming! the 470 cape will definitely help on each alt

  2. As someone who really dislikes running mythics at all, I』m glad they are doing some catch up gear. Hate having to work in the game just to get good enough gear to pvp with and actually have fun. Makes it feel like a job.

  3. this is great, because i absolutely can't stand farming mana pearls for benthic upgrades in nazjatar for gear upgrading. i am a solo player who never does mythic+ or raids anymore so this is great.

  4. I think it works well with the 15th anniversary event. Leveling in a few short hours from 100 to 120 with pvp yields no gear. So you hit 120 with no gear other than heirlooms or items you might be able to get off the auction house. 400 gear is awesome for that reason alone. I will be getting some of that gear for a few of my 120s I leveled through the pvp event.

  5. Well, I am not buying any more WoW expansions until the Pathfinder crap is removed from the game and Blizzard puts flying back the way it use to be, you level cap and pay gold for flying. Many players are fed up with Pathfinder and the rest of Ion's crap.

  6. Is there any reputation catchup for unlocking allied races? Kinda sad that after I decided to start WoW again I realised that I have to farm rep every day for a few months on different factions…
    Not to mention everyone is flying why I wont be able to farm that rep in time before next patch or maybe even next expansion

  7. O GOD MORE REPS…BOUT DONE WITH WOWS REPS GRINDS NONE STOP,just to unlock a 200k mount…force to buy tokens for gold is the way wow went..

  8. Alts have no point…they have no artifact power, nothing in their neck piece, item level isn't the only mechanism for being able to be able to fill your role. Doing WQ's, Warfronts and regular Heroics this is fine for…if you wanted your alts to be able to keep up with your main…it isn't feasible. Artifact Power ruins alts scaling and ability to keep up with primary characters. My dps has nearly maxed out the neck at the cost of all my alts having nearly nothing in theirs and remaining around a 400 item level. Catch-up gear is for base survival purposes, base dungeon runs and Raid Finder.

  9. 400… But my twink has 439 equipped :/
    I just need azerite levels and accwide essences, probably the biggest issue with twinks. Gear is such a joke to get

  10. Worth mentioning that lvl 120 boost puts you at 390 ilevel currently. This would only be a super small improvement for any of those alts or new players. I wish that they would offer you some other reward option or trade in vendor so if I don't want to use the token for gear I can get something else with it.

  11. Wtf lol, why are so many people complaining 400 is too low, it's bad enough catch up gear even exists and people wanna complain that they aren't getting geared from it as well? it's literally just here to give fresh characters something better to start the new patch with, that's it, it's not meant to be gearing you for keys or anything. And considering benthic gear was 385 base, 400 ilvl makes perfect sense, stop being lazy and play the game lmfao.

  12. If I pre-order Shadowlands will I still be able to create a allied race DK even if I have not exalted rep with the corresponding faction in order to actually unlock that allied race?

  13. Honestly i dont have a problem to grind for my gear with an alt since gear is not very much responsible for my dps on low equip… But the god damn essences are and blizzard still refuses to nerf the requirement for alts

  14. 400ilvl is literally useless, it's lower than the WQ cache. My alts are all already 420+ without benthic and I refuse to play them because getting essences caught up would require me to play for like a month on that character only.

  15. I don't think 400 ilvl will be much of help lol, this is a useless patch "addition" imo.

    Edit : I don't mean the raids and stuff, I meant these tokens

  16. I don't have an issue with the gear for alts, you can just do myth+ keys and be geared in 2 weeks. It's the essence and rep grinds which are annoying.

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