
一名接近中年但仍未生育的婦女決定通過人工授精懷孕,結果發現在這部由詹妮弗·安妮斯頓和詹森·貝特曼主演的喜劇中,她選擇的捐贈者可能不是孩子的父親。 Wally Mars(Bateman)是一個染上羊毛的悲觀主義者。絕望的神經質和自戀的自戀,除了與最好的朋友卡西(Jennifer Aniston)度過的時光外,他從生活中沒有任何快樂。然而,儘管沃利不僅僅想與卡西成為朋友,但她並不相信他們會結成好夫妻。當卡西(Kassie)向沃利(Wally)宣布她已經找到了理想的精子捐獻者時,他垂頭喪氣。就他而言,理想的候選人正站在她的面前。後來,卡西選擇了英俊的陌生人羅蘭(帕特里克·威爾遜)提供種子。當Kassie最好的朋友黛比(朱麗葉特·劉易斯(Juliette Lewis))為紀念這一大事件而舉行「授精晚會」時,事情變得複雜了,沃利截取了羅蘭的特快專遞,醉酒後用酒杯代替了自己的專享。卡西(Kassie)懷孕且心滿意足,便離開城市前往明尼蘇達州,在那裡她生了一個健康的男嬰。快閃了七個年頭,卡西和兒子塞巴斯蒂安(托馬斯·羅賓遜)回到紐約,後者與單身的單身漢沃利有著千絲萬縷的生理和心理特徵。不久之後,沃利和塞巴斯蒂安成為好朋友,沃利堅信這個男孩是他的親生兒子。他理想的家庭終於可以實現,如果他能想出一種輕鬆地向卡西舉報的方法,也許她會心中想原諒他,並意識到他將成為塞巴斯蒂安的完美父親。 。 。

  1. Bristol you are here your mother is that is the main cell dividing to the new Bean. This will be completely contradicts itself within the trailer. They overdid the fact to find a set of Liberty's similarities, and then overlooked the fact that this guy was all always a dad or a friend the influence over the family. This feeling completely hijacks the point, and eclipses Anniston is the main character. She's male narcissism edits trying to be cute. Hypochondriacs and related mental disorders or crimes are very serious and every time this is shown with a male possessing it it is shown is comedic.. not so shame on them

  2. But because the two genes depend on eachother, it is possible for someone to actually be a carrier of the dominant trait like brown eyes, and if two blue eyed parents are carriers, then it is quite possible for them to have a brown eyed child. So please just watch the movie and shut the fuck up, before I make you look completely retarded… AGAIN. 

  3. Having Sebastian as the son of Kassie and Roland or even Wally is improbable to almost impossible. Both Jennifer Anniston and Jason Bateman have blue eyes were is homozygous recessive meaning the alleles at both lowercase bb. This means they can only pass on a b to their offspring. Notice how Sebastian has brown eyes which can be homozygous dominant (BB) or heterozygous (Bb). Neither of those is bb so it's not realistic that this child could be the offspring of the two parents.

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